21900 Business Literacies and the Future of Work

21900 Business Literacies and the Future of Work

Report Draft Peer Review

Criteria Comment

Introduction – Does the draft include elements of an engaging or catchy introduction? Does it Introduce the topic and include 1-3 supporting ideas? Is there a sentence that clearly states the report purpose and approach? The draft include elements of an engaging or catchy introduction. You begin your discussion with an interesting definition of digital literacy against how people interpret it. You offer supporting ideas from other scholars to provide credibility for your work. Your thesis statement is also very clear stating that “The rapid integration of digital by businesses and governments has created enormous opportunities, such as cyber security awareness, cutting cost for business and competitive advantage for digital firms and it has also been faced with challenges like resistance from employees and lack of clear plan and vision.”

Definition – Does the draft include a definition/explanation of the chosen topic? The draft has a number of definitions of digital literacy and of future of work. You then offer examples of how digital literacies apply to the current workplace, versus where scholars perceive the function to be heading in the future

Supporting evidence – Are there facts and evidence listed to support the key points? Are 1-2 charts/images/data included? Are citations and references to charts and supporting data provided? The draft contains facts and evidence listed to support the key points, including data and information on digital literacy. The information is also well cited and relevant.

Logical order – Generally, are ideas in the draft presented in a logical order? Does the conclusion re-state the statement of purpose? Does the conclusion recap the 1-3 supporting ideas of the introduction? Ideas in the draft are presented in a logical order. The draft begins by defining key terms then proceeds to apply these definitions in real-life situations. The conclusion also re-states the statement of purpose and recaps the supporting ideas of the introduction.

Comment on the strengths, something positive, or something that you like about the draft One of the main strengths of the draft is its application to contemporary business situations. The draft makes a connection between digital literacy and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, where technology, and all of the functions around it, have changed how the workplace connects to a business and the employees.

Comment on an area of opportunity or idea yet to be explored, or something to develop further in the draft A better assessment of the role of digital literacy to future work should have had a more in-depth reaction regarding future concepts relating to work.

Comment on something that you don’t understand, or something in the draft that isn’t working I don’t understand why the role of digital literacy is presented as only being beneficial to an organization and not also to the employees.