3Ex Response Outline

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3Ex Response Outline

Thesis: I disagree with the point that Google has made people lack concentration and contemplation because Google does not only provide the most accurate results, but it is also free and has exceptional filtering options.

Body Paragraph One: First, I disagree because Google has been known over the years since the emergence of the internet to provide reliable and efficient results.

Example One: Google enhances user engagement by removing spinning content, spamming text, and information enhanced via unnatural link schemes (Kurmar and Bervell 3)

Explanation One: A person can find answers to your questions using Google to find a term or sentence. Its values include which publications and postings are the most pertinent for a search keyword by taking into account user activity.

Body Paragraph Two: Secondly, I disagree because Google is free to access. There is no charge required to access information that is available on Google.

Example Two: A person only needs a gadget such as a computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone and access to an internet connection. Being free gives students and scholars much information (Surdasana et al. 3).

Explanation Two: Students do not have to buy physical books, which are more costly. Academics and students can use Google Books, which now has a more user-friendly interface, to explore books, examine writer bios, and navigate among publications.

Body Paragraph Three: Lastly, I disagree because Google has spectacular filter tools which help focus on particular items that a user wants to find.

Example Three: In Google, other manual techniques are referred to as operators, which enable you to obtain more precise results (Haim et al. 334).

Explanation Three: The filtering options enable users to find information in a specific language, from a specific time or date, and in a particular format, depending on which is relevant.

Work Cited

Haim, Mario, Andreas Graefe, and Hans-Bernd Brosius. “Burst of the filter bubble? Effects of personalization on the diversity of Google News.” Digital journalism 6.3 (2018): 330-343. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/21670811.2017.1338145?journalCode=rdij2Kumar, Jeya Amantha, and Brandford Bervell. “Google Classroom for mobile learning in higher education: Modelling the initial perceptions of students.” Education and Information Technologies 24.2 (2019): 1793-1817. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Brandford Bervell/publication/330298788Sudarsana, I. Ketut, et al. “The use of Google classroom in the learning process.” Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 1175. No. 1. IOP Publishing, 2019. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1175/1/012165/pdf