Project #3

Project #3: Portfolio & Reflection3524250114300

100 points (15% ENGL102 Course Grade)

Assignment Prompt


For this assignment, you will compose a reflective essay of your learning in this course and compile artifacts (activities completed in the course related to your learning of the material) in an organized portfolio created with Adobe Spark. For the portfolio, you will

compile artifacts that demonstrate how well you have met your personal goals for the course and the course defined goals

write a reflection on what you learned


The goal of this final portfolio is to reflect on and demonstrate that you have carefully thought about your process of learning in this course. Reflecting on your learning in English 102 should demonstrate to readers that you have spent time considering how your work connects with the your personal goals and the course goals and provides evidence of your development in them. This project allows you to document your performance in this class by examining what you’ve produced this semester in relation to the goals. Key terms (e.g. purpose, audience, rhetoric, discipline) introduced in the course represent core concepts in writing, and they will be useful vocabulary for explaining your development as a writer.

Options to Consider

Selecting artifacts. Review the artifacts you collected at the end of Module 1 and Module 2 and select samples of any writing you produced this semester. “Any writing” means anything you’ve produced for this class that demonstrates both achievement AND struggles in meeting goals. It might be notes you made for class, all of the major assignments with rough drafts, and homework or annotated reading assignments that you felt had a big influence on your learning this semester; your artifacts can be alphabetic text, images, audio, video, etc. Your essay should also briefly describe the artifact, hyperlink to the copy in your GDrive folder (Spark doesn’t host documents), and list the goals to which you have connected it.

Reflecting on your learning.Consider what you have learned in this class. Draw from reflections composed at the end of each major project as you compose this essay. You are required to discuss at least 4 goals (either personal, course, or both when there’s overlap).

Format Requirements

Use Adobe Spark to create a portfolio in which you will include:

Five (5) artifacts that demonstrate both achievement and struggle with goals.

Provide artifacts with descriptive names that aid your organization method (they should be in order).

Final versions of Project #1 and Project #2 are required to be submitted as artifacts, and count toward the required number.

A reflective essay, 500-1000 words, including in-text references to your artifacts.

Your full reflective essay should be linked out from the portfolio.

You should include relevant snippets of the essay in the portfolio to help explain the connections between the artifacts and your learning.

You will be collecting artifacts throughout the course and storing them in a GDrive folder. This should create a repository for you to pull from for your Spark portfolio. Additionally, your essay can be both in the GDrive folder and interspersed throughout the portfolio. Present it in the way you feel best explains what you learned and how.

ENGL102 Course Objectives

After completing this project, and its associated course module, you will have made progress towards the following student learning objectives:

1.D analyze the ways a text’s purposes, audiences, and contexts influence rhetorical options.

1.E respond to a variety of writing contexts calling for purposeful shifts in structure, medium, design, level of formality, tone, and/or voice.

2.C employ a variety of research methods, including primary and/or secondary research, for purposes of inquiry.

2.D evaluate the quality, appropriateness, and credibility of sources.

2.E synthesize research findings in development of an argument.

2.F compose persuasive researched arguments for various audiences and purposes, and in multiple modalities.

3.C reflect on why genre conventions for structure, paragraphing, tone, and mechanics vary.

3.D identify and effectively use variations in genre conventions, including formats and/or design features.

3.E demonstrate familiarity with the concepts of intellectual property (such as fair use and copyright) that motivate documentation conventions.

4.E identify the collaborative and social aspects of writing processes.

4.F reflect on their progress as academic writers.

Project #3: Grading Rubric


_____Includes at least five (5) artifacts from the course that are referred to in the reflection

_____Includes both Project #1 and Project #2

_____Includes a reflective essay

_____The portfolio uses clear and consistent file names that follow appropriate file naming conventions

_____Portfolio Includes descriptions for each artifact to help orient readers and make connections across the content

_____The portfolio includes a variety of types of artifacts as evidence (writing projects, reading reflections, homework, peer reviews, etc.).

_____Consistently observes rhetorically effective conventions of language, style, formality, organization, and design.


_____Reflective essay is 500-1000 words

_____The essay makes an overall claim about how your writing has developed and what you learned. This claim establishes your focus and purpose in the portfolio.

_____Essay discusses at least four (4) goals.

_____Essay describes your development over the semester and what you learned,

_____referring to the appropriate artifacts and

_____discussing the goals you were striving for in completing them.

_____Essay discusses where you need to continue growth as a writer

_____including a reference to the appropriate artifact and

_____discussing the goals you are still struggling with.

_____The essay follows a clear, logical order that the reader can easily follow, with paragraphs that flow from one to another.

_____Essay includes functional hyperlinks to portfolio artifacts.

_____Considers how, when, where, and/or why you will use specific learning in the future.

_____Maps out a plan for continuing to progress in achieving goals in the future.

"Default judgments administration" (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) by Paul Jacobson