A critique of the design and sampling methodologies of the studies

A critique of the design and sampling methodologies of the studies




The main purpose of this paper is majorly to critique the underlying design, sample and prevailing ethical issues utilized within the chosen research studies. The underlying article “The Experience of Patients Undergoing Awake Craniotomy” is typically a qualitative study. The whole study is to determine diverse techniques employed in regard to the feeling and thinking of the patients coupled with the kind of the surgery with an anesthetic. Conversely, the article “The effects of Crossed Leg on Blood Pressure Measurement” takes the form of a quantitative study. The underlying study’s major goal is determining if the crossing of a leg at the knee during the process of the blood pressure measurement possess any impact on the prevailing patient’s blood pressure reading.

Research Design

Within the quantitative study the researcher decides to choose the utilization of the experimental cross over the corresponding design. Experimental cross entail comparison of dual prevailing participating groups with each other and then exchanging the procedure. This is suitable design since is permits measurement to be recorded for both of the underlying groups thereby enabling them to acts as their own control variables (Daniels, 2004). Within this study, existing group one act as a control group as their blood pressure is taken with their corresponding feet on the ground. The article mainly demonstrate the standard procedure and protocol for the blood pressure measurement that is required to accurately examines BP readings thus preventing false hypertensive readings. Several factors normally influence a person’s blood pressure measurement. Nevertheless, the underlying guidelines for measuring accurately blood pressure is normally inconsistently specify that the prevailing patient ought to maintain feet flat on the floor. The process represent quasi experimental, solitary center, similar group that entail randomized study for the often scheduled visit. The method that was utilized in the analysis of result entails a single way ANOVA and t-test which depict statistically important difference in BP readings in regard to the leg crossed over the other (Keele, 2011). Causal interpretations of the intervention effects is mainly based on the quasi-experimental study designs, which open more challenges than the corresponding causal clarifications based on the correct experiments. This is mainly due to lack of individual randomization that tend to permit more plausible alternative explanations. Besides, the designs also make it cumbersome to eliminate the observed effect that arises due to confounding variables. On the other hand, quasi-experiments within the study frequently deliver solid evidence when it is combined with analysis strategies that curb some of the salient confounding variables.

Several factors that influence people’s blood pressure measurement entail medications, arm and body position, noise, high temperature, defective equipment and anxiety. Blood pressure typically decreases at night as noted by the particular hypertensive subjects. Single blood pressure measurement is determined on the basis of clinical decisions such as drug dosage. Nevertheless, research is lacking on the effect of crossing the leg at the underlying knee during the process of blood pressure measurement (Stommel, & Wills, 2004). The study design mainly initiate determination process in circumstances of blood pressure measurement that is affected by the leg crossed at the knee than corresponding feet flat on the ground. The underlying model that is employed study design in the repeated measures analysis of variance, which is applicable in determination of type of blood pressure and location of the leg (Keele, 2011). The statistical significance normally affects the model that is the dual subjects’ factors and corresponding interaction. Assessment of suitable analytic statistics mainly distributions and quality of the covariance matrices depicts no violations of model norms (Stommel, & Wills, 2004). Effects of leg crossing are mainly depicted by the systolic and corresponding diastolic blood pressure. Interaction normally results to massive strength that alter systolic over the corresponding diastolic blood pressure across the underlying leg cross situations. The second group acts as a test group in the quantitative study. Moreover, the group possessed their blood pressure taken with their corresponding legs crossed (Daniels, 2004). Both of the underlying groups are compared and the second portion of this study is reverse.

Conversely, qualitative study utilizes descriptive phenomenology as depicted by Yarbro, Wujcik and Gobel (2011). Within the descriptive phenomenology than mainly strive to give detail description of the lived experiences is out preconceived perceptions. It mainly aims at advancing intuit phenomenon through remaining open to the underlying real meanings attributed to the corresponding experienced. The study mainly aims at describing the underlying experience of populace on the well-established neurosurgical. Little information of thepatients’ leads to subjective experience and explores the expectations, recall, satisfaction, and functional results of the underlying patients undergoing awake craniotomy.

These studies affirm that awake craniotomy utilizes anesthetic protocol that is secure and well-tolerated process related to overall satisfactory of the patients’ experiences and neurological results. Quantitative study the researcher decides to choose the utilization of the experimental cross over the corresponding design. Experimental cross entail comparison of dual prevailing participating groups with each other and then exchanging the procedure. This is suitable design since is permits measurement to be recorded for both of the underlying groups thereby enabling them to acts as their own control variable.


Daniels, R. (2004). Nursing fundamentals: Caring & clinical decision making. Australia: Delmar Learning.

Keele, R. (2011). Nursing research and evidence-based practice: Ten steps to success. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Stommel, M., & Wills, C. (2004). Clinical research: Concepts and principles for advanced practice nurses. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Yarbro, C. H., Wujcik, D., &Gobel, B. H. (2011).Cancer nursing: Principles and practice. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.