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The recipe for longevity
The formula for longevity has for a long time been confusing with various people and parties providing different perspectives on what people should do to live a longer life. In the current century, only a minimal number of individuals get lucky to live and attain the age of 100 years. In most of the countries especially in America, the life expectancy for women is around 80 years while that of men is approximately 72 years. However, in some countries or regions, the life expectancy is far much higher than that of the United States, and the population of the aged is high, being energetic and performing their regular duties as expected. In Okinawa, it would not be a surprise to find a 90-year-old man training for Kung-Fu and at the same time going fishing. Okinawa is one of the blue zones where aged people have an average life expectancy of 102 years. Most of the isolated places that are not exposed to the outside world experience a higher life expectancy and this can as well be seen in the case of the California seventh day, who as well have a higher life expectancy than the rest of the groups living in the region.
Various factors contribute to the longevity among the people in the blue zones with the most common reasons being exercise, right outlook, eating wisely as well as connecting with other people of the same age and family to provide companion. Exercise is one of the significant factors that can be attributed to the increased longevity of the people in the blue zones. Exercise helps the individuals to burn the excess calories in their body, and therefore it helps in guarding the people against contracting diseases such as obesity and cardiovascular diseases that are known to reduce the lifespan of an individual. Most of the people in the blue regions wake up in the morning to perform some exercises such as lifting weights, while others such as the Adventists walk for miles and this helps in keeping their body fit.
Having the right outlook as well plays a significant role in achieving longevity in the blue zones. According to Buettner, down shift and purpose now can be seen as factors for the right outlook aiding in the achievement of longevity in the blue zones. The purpose now is the reason as to why a person gets motivated in waking up the next day, and a majority of the people in these blue zones had a purpose with others claiming that seeing their grandchildren makes them feel better.
Eating wisely is the other contributing factor for longevity. The people in the blue zones consume most of their foods that are derived from plants and feeding less on the animal meat. Others, for example, the Adventists derive their menu from the bible in the book of Genesis and has maintained the diet for a long time contributing to their high life expectancy. Most of the people in these regions consume wine that has an alcoholic content of less than 5 and this contribute for longer life. Besides, the residents in these blue zones utilize the 80% percent rule on which they feed at only 20% preserving the rest. They have developed a habit of eating small amounts of foods many times to which contrasts the eating habits of the people in the rest of the regions.
Connection is another component of the formula for longevity. The people in the blue zones tend to have a culture that encourages people such as families to stay together, and this reduces the rate of loneliness. According to research most of the people die due to isolation and therefore being in the hands of a loved one prolongs the person’s lifespan as it provides them with a sense of belonging. People in the blue zones are born on the right tribe implying that they are born with people to whom they share the same culture and practices. It is said that if a person associates themselves with obese individuals, there is a higher probability that they will also be obese. People in the blue zones associates themselves with a common culture, for example, the Adventists have a culture of walking once in a week, spending time together planning for their next walks and operates in the same religion to which they strictly observe. Having the right people by your side increases that lifespan as they motivate you in whatever they are doing. All these factors are the ingredients for the formula for longevity.
Dan Buettner, How to live to be 100+. Retrieved from: