Abraham’s Expression of Faith in God
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Abraham’s Expression of Faith in God
Abraham’s expression of faith in God is expressed in Genesis 22. He expressed extraordinary faith in God when he agreed to sacrifice his son. Many Christians today agree that children and other properties are given by God. However, many of them would be reluctant to give their children as sacrifice to God. An individual is likely to find it difficult to offer his or her only son or daughter as a sacrifice to God, especially when there are no hopes of bearing another child. Abraham’s account acts as a challenge to Christians, with regard to their faith in God.
Abraham was living in Canaan when God asked him to sacrifice his son. Before moving to Canaan, Abraham did not have a child since his wife, Sarai, was barren. Although Sarai’s handmaid, Hagar, gave birth to Abraham’s child, the child could not become Abraham’s heir. After bearing the child, Hagar ran away from Abraham’s home. As a result of God’s intervention, Sarai became pregnant at the age of 90, many years after she had reached menopause. She eventually gave birth to a son called Isaac, who was expected to be the only heir of Abraham.
Earlier before the birth of Isaac, God had made a covenant with Abraham, in which He promised to bless and protect Abraham and his descendants. In turn, God required Abraham to be obedient and faithful to Him. Later after the birth of Isaac, God decided to test Abraham’s faith in Him. God recognized that Abraham loved his son, but He instructed him to go to the land of Moriah and sacrifice his son as a burnt offering in one of the mountains that he would find there.
In response to the instructions, Abraham woke up the next day early in the morning and started a journey to the land of Moriah, together with his son and his servants. They arrived close to the land after three days. When Abraham saw the land from a distance, he left his servants and his donkey somewhere and told the servants that he would walk a little farther with Isaac. Abraham had already fetched wood to be used for burning the sacrifice. As they walked towards one of the mountains in the land, Isaac carried the wood, while Abraham carried knife and fire. As they walked together, Isaac asked his father where the sheep meant for burnt offering was. Abraham responded by stating that God would provide it. They continued moving towards the lace where Abraham would make sacrifice.
Ultimately, Abraham and Isaac arrived at the place where the sacrifice was supposed to be made. Abraham made an altar, placed wood on it and tied Isaac on the wood. He then took a knife, ready to sacrifice his son. However, an angle of God intervened immediately and told Abraham not to hurt Isaac. Through the angel, God said that He was impressed by Abraham’s extraordinary faith, to the extent that he was ready to sacrifice his only son. After the communication from God, Abraham saw a sheep that was trapped in a bush. He took it and used it to make a burnt sacrifice for God. As a result of Abraham’s faith, God promised him that he would not let him down, and He would fulfill the promises that He gave when He made a covenant with Abraham.
Significantly, Abraham expressed an extraordinary faith since he did not even argue with God about the issue of sacrificing his only son, even though he did not know whether he would get another child. He demonstrated that he could do anything that God instructed him to do, irrespective of impact. The case presents a challenge to Christians, who would be reluctant to even offer God with their material properties, live alone a child. The key theme in the case is that Christians should strive to have faith in God, as Abraham Did.