The United Nation Global Compact’s Ten Principles are derived from a series of other ethical codes and are focused very speci

The United Nation Global Compact’s Ten Principles are derived from a series of other ethical codes and are focused very specifically on the behavior of companies. In your paper respond to the following question:

How would you evaluate the efficacy of the Ten Principles in addressing emerging ethical global challenges?

In synthesizing and evaluating the Ten Principles, pick one specific issue to provide concrete examples. You can consider laws related to child labor, immigration/refugee hiring policies and practices, ethics in the workforce, corporate ethics, corporate social responsibility mandates, or corporate humanitarian activism/service. There are definitely other topics that could fit in this category, so you can certainly explore the possibilities.

You will need to develop a strong thesis to guide your discussion of the Ten Principles. It will be important to support your thesis with examples exploring the specific issue that you focus on. Recognize that there is no easy answer to this specific question.


Length: 4-5 pages (excluding title page, abstract, and the References page)

Points: 20

Please follow the APA guidelines for formatting your paper.

You will need to include a title page, a brief abstract with keywords, the text of your paper, and a References Page. You do not need to include an “Author Note” as that is optional for class papers, theses, and dissertation. You can refer to the extended discussion in Chapter 2 with the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition about the structure of APA papers. In addition, there are sample papers available. Even though this paper is less extended than the sample papers in the Publication Manual, you should include the elements listed above in order to practice the conventions. You can find another good sample of an APA paper at the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL).ReaThe United Nations Global Compact (Links to an external site.)UN Global Compact (2010). Annual review. 10 Years 2000-2010 (Links to an external site.) View Videos

Dr. Patricia H. Werhane is the Chair of Wicklander Ethics and Business organization, and the Director of the Institute for Business and Professional Ethics at DePaul University. In the videos, Dr. Werhane shares her insights related to the use of business participation model to further understand ethical practices, sustainability and social responsibility.

The United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) (Links to an external site.)

UN Global Compact: Retrieved from

UN Global Compact (Links to an external site.)

 Suggested Readings

Danish Institute for Human Rights (2001). Defining the scope of business responsibility for human rights abroad (Links to an external site.).


Darley, J. M. (2005). The cognitive and social psychology of contagious organizational corruption.  Download The cognitive and social psychology of contagious organizational corruption.Brooklyn Law Review, 70(4), 1177-1194.


OECD (1999). Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions (Links to an external site.).


OECD (2000). Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (Links to an external site.).


International Business Leaders Forum, Transparency International and the UN Global Compact, Business against Corruption (2005). A framework for action – Implementation of the 10th principle. Download A framework for action – Implementation of the 10th principle. 

International Labour Organization (1998). Declaration on fundamental principles & rights at work (Links to an external site.) 

UN Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, Working Group on the Working Methods and Activities of Transnational Corporations (2003). Norms on the responsibilities of transnational corporations and other business enterprises with regard to human rights  Download Norms on the responsibilities of transnational corporations and other business enterprises with regard to human rights. UN Doc. E/CN.4/Sub.2/2003/12/Rev.2, 2003.


United Nations Global Compact, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Oxfam, and World Resources Institute (WRi) (2011). Adapting for a green economy: Companies, communities and climate change. dings:



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