The upside of conflict in human relationships.

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The upside of conflict in human relationships.

Conflicts breed opportunities in many varied contexts. However difficult noting these opportunities might be, there is always an upside when human relationships are destabilized by conflict. Conflicts in romantic relationships, family relationships, or even the workplace all have a positive that can always be taken out of them. Some of these opportunities are sometimes even seized by the individuals involved unknowingly.

In romantic relationships, conflict raises the opportunity for both parties to pursue individual goals that otherwise were clouded by romance and the good of the moment. A common struggle for partners in thriving romantic relationships is a halt in the pursuit of individual life goals. Before romantic relationships, people have their personal ambitions and dreams of what they would like to be in the future. Romance has a way of clouding minds and partners tend to forget about these ambitions, dreams, or targets. Finding a person quitting what they used to do is not a rare occurrence whenever people get into serious romantic relationships. Conflict, in this case, serves as a reminder to lovers that before love, they had individual goals and now that they aren’t on very good terms, it is time to get back to chasing their dreams. It is an interference that ultimately impacts victims positively.

Conflicts in family relationships are in many cases the gateway to independence. Inherently, family members are responsible for one another and in seamless family relationships, support to a member almost looks like an entitlement. Conflict exposes this false sense of entitlement banishing any form of dependence on one member by another. An example is an adult who is dependent on their parents. Conflict between these two parties forces the adult to move out and channel the course of their lives. The interdependence between the adult and the parents vanishes courtesy of conflict. Normally, the adult who ends up moving out struggles for a while but in the end finds their feet. It is then that they appreciate conflict when they get their life around and become stable. Again, it interferes with the status quo but impacts at least one of the victims positively.

Workplace conflicts breed the most obvious opportunities. Employment has a tendency of making people believe that where they are is the best place to be. Many employees are in a comfort zone at their workplaces and often do not seek further opportunities. The perception is that when one quits a job, they are headed for a struggle, nobody sees the possibility of a better job. The grass may be greener on the other side, and this is what workplace conflict unlocks. A chance to better opportunities or the chance to get better at what one does. Before the Coronavirus pandemic, for instance, not many people knew that most of the tasks done in offices can be done from home. Or better still the opportunities online were not being fully seized. Conflict at workplaces can force individuals into better opportunities or into better ways of doing things. Generally, conflicts, – often viewed in a bad light; and whose negative effects are what people tend to dwell on. breed several opportunities some of which are noticeable while others are seized subconsciously.