


Background to the study

The friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers is termed as hospitality.

While hospitality means hospitable treatment, reception, or disposition, friendly, welcoming, and generous treatment offered to guests or strangers.

Hospital is an institution for diagnosing, treating the sick or injured, housing them during treatment, examining patients, and managing childbirth. They may be public (government-owned) or private (profit-making or not-for-profit). They may also be general, accepting all types of medical or surgical cases, or special (e.g., children’s hospitals, mental hospitals), limiting service to a single type of patient or illness. It is also said to be a  HYPERLINK “” o “Health care” health care institution providing  HYPERLINK “” o “Patient” patient treatment by specialized staff and equipment. Usually HYPERLINK “” o “Publicly funded healthcare” funded by the public sector, health organizations ( HYPERLINK “” o “For-profit hospital” for profit or  HYPERLINK “” o “Non-profit organization” nonprofit),  HYPERLINK “” o “Health insurance” health insurance companies, or  HYPERLINK “” o “Charitable organization” charities, including direct charitable donations. Hospitals were historically founded and funded by  HYPERLINK “” o “Religious orders” religious orders or charitable individuals and leaders. Today, they are largely staffed by professional  HYPERLINK “” o “Physician” physicians,  HYPERLINK “” o “Surgeon” surgeons, and  HYPERLINK “” o “Nurse” nurses, whereas in the past, this work was usually performed by the founding religious orders or by HYPERLINK “” o “Volunteering” volunteers.

Hospitality and food within hospitals will to some extent vary. As mentioned initially, private hospitals are in most instances profit making. Their setup will consist of quality services and apparatus mainly to attract more customers through the services offered. Therefore, the quality of foodstuff in private hospitals will be to a larger extent be good. This is also attributed to the number of patients being handled by the hospital at a particular time. The lesser the number, the higher the quality of services based on the rate of charges for diseases an individual is diagnosed for. On the other hand, public hospitals are in most cases government owned. The quality of services offered may be slightly lower but this is attributed to a larger extent by the customer base. Rates of bills in such hospitals are subsidized meaning most low income earners will frequent the hospitals. Due to many patients, the quality of food for them will also be low.

Private hospitals will have quite a number of departments and key to that will be the catering department. In most cases, high qualified personnel will fill in positions under this department and they proceed to do a job they are trained in, qualified and experienced. On the other hand, public hospitals will have just a kitchen where the food for patients will be prepared from. Chances are high that qualified personnel may be understaffed meaning quality of food for patients is low. As the hospital again deals with so many clients, the few staff may not be in a position to prepare nice meals.

Hospitals will therefore incorporate hospitality managers, persons with speciality in hospitality industry.


Cassell’s Latin Dictionary, revised by Marchant, J & Charles J., 260th. Thousand.

  HYPERLINK “” o “Guenter B. Risse” Risse, G.B. Mending bodies, saving souls: a history of hospitals.  HYPERLINK “” o “Oxford University Press” Oxford University Press, 1990. p. 56  HYPERLINK “” l “v=onepage&q=History%20of%20Hospital%2BAsclepieion&f=false”

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 Roderick E. McGrew, Encyclopaedia of Medical History (Macmillan 1985), pp.134-5.

 Legge, James, A Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms: Being an Account by the Chinese Monk Fâ-Hien of his Travels in India and Ceylon (A.D. 399–414) in Search of the Buddhist Books of Discipline, 1965

  HYPERLINK “” The Nurses should be able to Sing and Play Instruments – Wujastyk, Dominik;  HYPERLINK “” o “University College London” University College London.