Everlast Energy Mints
Environmental protection needs to be at the center stage of economic productivity in order to attain sustainability. In light of economic production, sustainability is attained by various measures. These include reducing waste production through the use of green approaches such as recycling, re using, reducing and so forth. The process of valuing environmental products also needs to put in consideration the actual value of the respective environmental goods. It can not be disputed that market trends have had far reaching implications on the holistic wellbeing of the environment. In this regard, they accord important environmental goods a lower value than that of the actual value. This can be used to explain why the relative products continue to be over exploited to the point of depletion. Furthermore, this has culminated in environmental degradation that stems from pollution. It is against this background that this paper reviews the processes that are employed in producing Everlast Energy Mints. This is in a bid to underscore the environmental implications of the processes and measures that can be undertaken to mainstream sustainability in these.
The energy mints produced by the company include Foosh energy mints and Buzz bites energy mints. The objective for this production was to provide busy consumers with cheap alternatives to other caffeinated products. The fact that the products are potable and can be purchased easily saves time and resources that could have otherwise been employed for getting coffee. The Foosh Energy Mints have various blends of ingredients employed for producing energy such as taurine, ginseng, five different vitamin B and caffeine. These are useful in increasing endurance, stimulating the metabolism of the consumer and generally rejuvenating oneself. The target consumers for this product include drivers, sports enthusiasts and students. Likewise, Buzz Bites contain taurine, ginseng, vitamin B, chocolate and caffeine. They work in similar way like the Foosh Energy Mints. In addition to these basic ingredients, Buzz bites also contain sweetened and condensed skim milk, corn syrup, part hydrogenated coconut oil, water, unsweetened chocolate, salt, natural and artificial flavors and calcium caseinate.
Notably, the products have various ingredients that are drawn form different sources. This implies that more natural resources are derived from the environment to manufacture the products. In this regard, it is worth noting that a significant amount of energy is used in deriving the respective products. Since fossil fuels are in most instances employed for running the relative machines, this implies that a higher volume of green house gases are released in the atmosphere from the process. According to Diamond, the wastes that are produced during this initial stage come from different sources and are more than the market value of the product (361). Objective valuation of the environmental goods employed in the production of every piece of the energy mints is comparatively higher than the actual market price that the product has been accorded. This has massive negative implications on the wellbeing of the environment. According to Diamond, the environmental losses that are experienced are more than the human gain or benefit that is derived from the product (361).
The production process of the products is also involving and requires use of various machines. Likewise, fossil fuels are employed in running the machines during production. The fossil fuels are also derived from the environment and the green house gases that they emit greatly affect the wellbeing of the environment. In particular, pollution leads to loss of biological diversity that cushions the human race against the negative implications that are associated with drastic environmental changes. Furthermore, pollution degrades the environment and undermines its ability to uphold positive and quality production. This has adverse implications on the populations that depend solely on the environment for their sustenance (362). In this regard, it should be acknowledged that negative environmental impacts are trans-boundary and affect the entire global race. Moreover, over exploitation of these resources in some instances deplete the respective resources. The practice in this regard is detrimental because it denies the future populations and generations of a chance to share in the natural resource base. In this regard, it is worth appreciating that the concept of sustainability requires the needs of the current populations to be catered for without compromising the diverse needs of the future generations. Exploitation in this regard needs to be moderated and put in line with the established environmental regulations.
The process of manufacturing the product requires employment of human labor to not only run the machines but to also perform other forms of manual labor such as packaging. The health of humanity is directly depended on environmental health. Arguably, environmental destruction that is associated with the production of green house gases compromises the availability of labor to be employed in production. This is due to the fact that it puts human health at stake. The wastes that emanate from the process of production such as waste water and other forms of solid wastes are disposed in the environment accordingly. In some instances, these are recycled in order to reduce environmental exploitation. Compared to using new resources, recycling is cost effective and sustainable. It not only saves the resources but also reduces the costs that are incurred during waste disposal. For instance, the waste water that is used in cleaning can be later employed for cooling and treated to be used for irrigation. The company needs to consider employing these approaches to address the mentioned problems.
In the Czech Dream film, the attitudes of populations are presented to be market oriented. The decisions that are made by the respective individuals are market based and greatly influenced by the relative trends. Likewise, the decisions, goals and objectives that are made by the company manufacturing this product are greatly influenced by market trends. For instance, advertising of the product is done online and in business journals and documentaries. Pursuit of this also requires high amounts of energy that are derived from environmental resources. According to Patel, relative costs are hardly factored in the price of the products (47). The undervaluing of important environmental resources in this regard is based on the fact that the environment is a common resource that all individuals need to benefit from. Continued exploitation of the environmental resources culminates in massive losses that undermine the health of both the human as well as those of the environment.
The ingredients of the products are also solely based on the needs of the clients as opposed to the environmental concerns. In this regard, the inclusion of various ingredients that are derived from different environmental resources is informed by the need to satisfy the needs of the consumer base. Specifically, the main aim is to provide energy needs for busy individuals who do not have time to take caffeine. The pricing of the products is also based on market trend and does not reflect the environmental value. Undue emphasis on the market factors has made it difficult for the companies to review its production process. The profit oriented motive has culminated in increased environmental pollution. Certainly, economic production is furthered at the expense of environmental protection. In this regard, it is important for the organization to include the cots of environmental goods in the price of the product.
The packaging material employed by this company is not biodegradable. This implies that further pollution is experienced after the products have been consumed accordingly. Statistical evidence indicates that although most populations are becoming conversant with environmental protection, not all of them assume environmentally friendly practices. Therefore, it can not be disputed that pollution is further experienced after the products have been consumed. In this respect, the company needs to embark on awareness creation of the consumer base in order to counter the abovementioned negative impacts.
The social aspect of the environment is equally important because of the direct impacts that it has on the wellbeing of humanity. Release of green house gases in the environment and environmental pollution culminates in environmental degradation. As aforementioned, this denies the poor populations of a chance to benefit from the natural resource base. Directly, this increases their susceptibility to environmental disasters and leads to poverty. From an ethical point of view, this is unacceptable because it culminate sin immense suffering. Further, the relative resource based conflicts that are caused by dwindling resources lead to deaths and undermine the quality of life of the populations that depend on the particular resources for survival. The preceding social problems can be addressed by moderating resource exploitation and curbing environmental pollution and degradation.
At this point, it is certain that the Foundations of Management and Entrepreneurship course has played a leading role in empowering both students and communities in different ways. The relative establishment and liquidation of a business is instrumental in exposing the students to first hand information regarding the concepts of business management and entrepreneurship. This triggers the art of creative and critical thinking that is important for decision making in the current corporate environment. Economic empowerment of communities that benefit from the businesses is ethical and morally acceptable. It is a classic illustration of corporate social responsibility that requires all stakeholders to actively participate in the administration of a business entity.
The involvement in the management of the businesses also allows the students to establish viable business as well as social networks with other organizations. In the current complex and dynamic corporate environment, experience is of paramount importance in sharpening the skills. The experience also slows the students to practice theoretical knowledge in the field. Coupled with the opportunities for networking, this allows the students to be conversant with the dynamics of the management profession before entering the field. Certainly the course is well structures and gives its students a unique opportunity to gain knowledge and skills through practical experience. However, to attain optimal results, students should be allowed to benefit from the profits of the businesses. From a psychological point of view, this would go a long way in enhancing sustainability of the education experience. This is attributable to the ‘ownership’ feeling that characterizes this experience.
Works Cited
Czech Dream. Dir. Vit Klusak and Filip Remunda. ARTE, 2004.
Diamond Jared. Collapse: How Societies Choose to fail or Succeed. USA: Viking Adult, 2004. Print.
Patel Raj. The Value of Nothing: How to Reshape Market Society and Redefine Democracy. USA: Picador, 2010. Print.