Exploring the influence of consumer attitude in the purchase intention of luxury luggage brands among female millennials in China
Luxury Luggage market in China
Luxury is not a basic need therefore consumption depends on attitude of the customer. Attitude has three components; affect, behavior and cognition, which affect the attitude and behaviour toward a product.
The Chinese millennial consumer
A rise in the Chinese millennial female population influences consumption as millennials have different attitudes towards luxuries.
Spending intentions and brand loyalty
A person purchases a product to satisfy a certain need. Purchase of Luxury luggage depends on quality and need. Brand is an added advantage as it also affects attitude.
2. Consumer attitude
Attitude depends on one’s belief and behavior. Using the theory of planned behavior, one can easily predict individual’s intention to purchase luxury goods.
The theory of reasoned action predicts a person’s intention to purchase a product hence essential in explaining attitude towards luxury luggage.
evaluation of models
ABC Model of attitude to explain the relationship between knowledge, feeling and action towards purchasing luxury goods.
Multi-attribute attitude model explains the consequence of the product characteristics to the attitude of the millennial consumers.
implications for research
The research would help to understand consumer behavior and provide required luxury products with expected characteristics.
3. Culture and consumer behavior
Culture affects the consumption of certain products by consumers. If the culture fails to support its consumption, some groups under the culture may not purchase the products. The review uses the Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory to explain the effect of culture on the values of consumers that relate to behavior.
Consumer behaviour theory in relation to culture
Evaluation of dimensions
Implications of the research on consumers behaviour when purchasing luxury goods
Key motivational factors for luxury purchase
Social status. Purchase of luxury goods depend on the social status and cost.
Group influence. Social groups influence purchase of some products.
Luxury consumption demand period. The period a product lasts is important before purchasing.
The pursuit of quality. Quality influences purchase of commodities. High quality products are easily purchased.
Future considerations
Having differentiated goods for different demographics
Gaps in the literature
Research question
How does consumer attitude influence consumption of luxury products?