File access system





SEC 1 

File access system

File system accesses systems are critical for protection of files through access retraction which allows the specific uses to access and read files, allow others to access read and edit files and totally restrict others from accessing the file. This depends on the authorization set up (Fitzpatrick et al). Below is a design for accessing (reading and writing or making changes) on file F by user A.

<Location /svn/calc>

SVNPath /var/svn/calc

SVNReposName “Calculator Application”


A= r

This will allow use A to access file F.

<Location /svn/calc>

SVNPath /var/svn/calc

SVNReposName “Calculator Application”


A= rw

This will allow use A to access file F read, make changes and save the changes.

Sensor Location

The location of sensors in wireless networks is influenced by several factors (Boo & Jadhav, 12). First is the physical security of the sensors. Sensors must be locate in areas where they are protected from physical damage, for instance, the can be locate in areas under view of security cameras. Second, the range of sensors in relation to surrounding facilities such as walls and door is also significant. The range of sensors varies depending on the location of people within a facility. In this regard sensors should be positioned in a manner that ensures that their ranges overlap by 20% at least (Information Assurance Tools Report).

Density function and probability of an event

Set of density functions

Suppose there is 1 actual intrusion for every 1000 authorized users, and the overlapping area covers 1% of the authorized users and 50% of the intruders, the density function will be as follows:


P(x=A) ={1/4 A=a{1/2 A=b{1/4 A=c


This is not an unreadable depiction

This is unreliable depiction since it mean that the probability of an intrusion occurring is 0.0001yet in the intrusion area

Probability that an event that occurs in this region is that of an authorized user

Since there are 1000 user and the area covers only 1% which is 10 users. Yet 50% of intruders are concentrated in this area, then probability of an event occurring in the area will be as follows:

50% of intrusion is= 0.00005, (ie 50% 0.0001).

10 users = 0.00005 probability

The probability of an event occurring is 0.00005/10 = 0.000005

Work Cited

Boo, Sneha & Jadhav, Priyanka. “Wireless Intrusion Detection System.” International Journal of Computer Applications 5:8 (2010): 9-14.

Fitzpatrick, Brian. Pilato, Michael., & Sussman, Ben. “Intrusion Path-Based Authorization.” Web. September 10, 2012 <>

Information Assurance Tools Report. “Intrusion Detection Systems” 2009. Web. September 10, 2012 <>

