Film critique of the movie August Rush

Film critique of the movie ‘August Rush’


In the year 2007, the film ‘August Rush’ premiered in the various theatres, in the world. The film’s director is Kristen Sheridan, and Richard Barton Lewis was the film’s producer. Other notable people who were involved in this film’s production were James Hart, Nick Castel and Paul Castro. It is a story about Evan Taylor, who is considered to be a musical prodigy and makes his family’s life a living hell as they search for him. Meanwhile, Taylor is in New York City as he attempts to find out more concerning his life (Grady, 2007).

This paper seeks to give a critical analysis concerning the film ‘August Rush’ and if it matched the expectations, which people had concerning it.

Film Critique of ‘August Rush’

The film’s story telling is done in the most amazing manner, as one becomes aware of the various scenes quite easily. The story starts when Evan Taylor has to live with a foster family after being estranged from his own. His life is full of confusion and quest as he sort to find out who his biological parents are. In this journey that he longs for, he finds out that he is indeed musically talented (Covert, 2007).

The films genre is romance as well as drama and is suited for all audiences as it is rated ‘PG’. This means that it is possible for children to watch the film with their parents without the fear of having to watch embarrassing or inappropriate scenes. Furthermore, it takes at least one hour and fifty three minutes to watch the film, and this is a good time period. The cinematography in the film is quite pitiful, and this is based on the reviews by Rotten Tomatoes. Out of 110 reviews, which were done, the only positive reviews were 37. Those who gave the film negative reviews claimed that it had a schmaltzy plot, as well as the directions being flimsy. This means that the editing and the cinematography did not meet the expected standards. In terms of the film’s styling, the actors were appropriately dressed, and the other aspects of the film such as the houses and musical instruments were indeed proper. Therefore, the film seemed to lack in most technical aspects of film production (Covert, 2007).

The actors of this film were not known by many people before they acted in this film. In my opinion, the acting was by any means normal. There was nothing extra-ordinary about their acting, as they acted their roles well, but did not go an extra mile in doing so. The film’s directors should have used more famous actors in order to make the audience like the movie even more. The sound in the movie was quite appealing as the actors could be heard well and the background noise had been eliminated. Also, the film’s sound track was extremely evocative, and this is an advantage. Since the film is based upon music, the sound tracks were helpful in sending the message across to the viewers (Grady, 2007).

Some of the major themes, which were evident in the film, were family ties, music as well as romance. The latter has an impact on society as they help people relate well with others. Also, people should always make sure that they achieve their dreams in any way possible (Honeycutt, 2007).


In conclusion, the film did not meet the expectations that I had as it failed to impress in most areas. It is vital that the next film, which Kristen directs should be better, and she should keenly follow the critiques, which people had concerning this film. Overall the film can still be watched, but one should not have high expectations concerning it.


Covert, Colin (2007). HYPERLINK “” “Movie review: Romanticism trumps reason in Rush”. HYPERLINK “” o “Star Tribune” Star Tribune. Retrieved March 20, 2012.

Grady, Pam. (2007). HYPERLINK “” “Review: Orphan has a song in his heart in ‘August Rush'”. HYPERLINK “” o “San Francisco Chronicle” San Francisco Chronicle. Retrieved March 20, 2012.

Honeycutt, Kirk. ( HYPERLINK “” o “2007” 2007). HYPERLINK “” “August Rush”. HYPERLINK “” o “The Hollywood Reporter” The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved March 20, 2012.