Final Letter to the Instuctor on quality of education

Student’s Name

Institutional Affiliation

Student’s Address


Recipient’s Name

Title: The Instructor

Institution’s Name

Recipient’s Institutional Address

Dear Sir/Madam,

The quality of the information that students always acquire from their learning institutions is always crucial in assessing the nature and competence of such institutions. Several institutions always use inappropriate books and learning materials to teach their students. Some of these materials may entail outdated information on certain critical issues. The use of such outdated books in teaching the students always impact negatively on the academic competence of such students. This follows that such books may lack critical recent findings from previous researches necessary for enriching the knowledge of students. As such, students from such institutions may be half-baked, with lots of irrelevant information forming the bulk of their knowledge.

In addition, the nature of notes issued during class times may also affect the requisite information that any student needs. Notes that are outdated in contents, poorly researched and delivered to students may affect the students negatively in their quest for knowledge. As such, it is noteworthy to highlight that teachers and instructors should always ensure that the notes they give their students met the set criteria and goals of their respective institutions. In addition, the instructors need to follow the papers delivered by the students for assessment keenly. They need to issue credible feedbacks to the students on regards to such papers to help the students adjust accordingly.

In this institution, the quality of education given to students is credibly astounding. The students have always been impresses with the nature of the notes issued by the instructors in class. These notes meet the criteria for success. The notes have been thoroughly researched and refined in such a manner that conceptualizing them is easy. In addition, the nature in which the instructors deliver their contents to the students is just but satisfactory. The instructors always issue out the notes to the students in a manner that makes the students take little time to understand them. This follows that through the intense training that our instructors underwent, they have mastered the different ways of delivering messages to their classes. In this manner, they do it with lots of mastery and prowess, making learning in this institution be easy and enjoyable.

It is of critical importance to note that the nature of relationship that students maintain with their teachers always influence the rate of conceptualization of the materials delivered to them in classes. If the relationship between these two distinct parties is worse, then the issue of teaching will also not go easy. As such, students will fail to conceptualize certain critical concepts. This may be considered a failure on both sides. As such, it is always the responsibility of such instructors to look for various ways in which such issues may be rectified. However, in a situation where the relationship between the students and their instructors is good, learning becomes easy. This follows that students will develop a sense of liking, trust and faith. This makes conceptualization of the materials delivered to them by the instructors become easy. In this institution, the nature of the relationship that we share with our instructors is quite good. This has made us develop a sense of interest and liking to our instructors, thus making us conceptualize the notes delivered to us with relative ease.

The nature of the feedbacks that we have been getting from our instructors has always been quite informative. The feedbacks have always been encouraging, making us develop more trust and interest. They have helped us adjust accordingly with regards to their specifications. Some of these feedbacks have always centered on the nature of materials that we should be using on our studies, mostly the most recent works and books. This has helped us acquire the most up to date information on certain issues relevant to our learning area. In addition, we have been using the most up to date materials. This has ensured that we acquire the best information regarding the different study areas that we have been taught,

Therefore, it is critical to summarize that the nature of experiences we have had in this institution is commendable. We have had the best notes, delivered in the most appropriate manner by our qualified instructors. In addition, the nature of feedbacks we have been getting from our instructors have been quite encouraging and informative. Moreover, the learning materials we have been using are the most up-to date.

Yours Sincerely,

