find a theme that connects two books Othello and Pedro Paramo

Topic: find a theme that connects two books Othello and Pedro Paramo

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Many people in the world are striving hard in order to live lives of full potential and reach the actualization point where one lives a legacy. However, there are so many obstacles to reaching the highest point in life. As a result, majority of people seek to use illegitimate means in order to achieve their dreams. The following discussion will focus on two hypothetical stories which demonstrate the theme of hope and dreams.


In both books, there are a number of themes but the one that is common in both is the theme of hope and dreams. This is demonstrated by the main characters one being Iago in Othello and Don Pedro in Pedro Paramo. Both of these young men have high aspirations. This motivates them to use all the means to achieve their objectives regardless of whether they are acceptable in the society or not.

Normally, the society is structured in a way that people have the impression that people, who are successful in terms of the material wealth and power, are highly respected and this boosts their self-esteem. As a result, people employ carious ways in order to achieve these goals that are highly regarded in the society.

The theme of hope and dreams is demonstrated in the story of Pedro Paramo where Pedro has fallen in love with a lady by the name of Susan. It happens that she does not reciprocate the same kind of feelings that he has for her but this does not stop him from pursuing her. Apparently, Susan was ailing but he did not despair. However, he seemed to have ill feelings concerning her father when he says, ‘I wish he dies in the mines’ (74-75). This demonstrates the fact that Susan’s father was also one of the obstacle’s to Pedro’s dream. Later on, he does not get to marry her as she dies after ailing for a long time. This is when his dream comes to an end.

On the other hand, Iago also demonstrates this theme in his endeavor to become great leader. He is said to have been a soldier under Othello. He had a colleague by the name of Cassio who apparently gets promoted to the post of a lieutenant a decision that Iago despises. He is a man who is hungry for power and recognition and seeks to use all means to reclaim that.

One of the ways that he seeks to use are the ones that destroys Cassio’s reputation so that he is demoted. This is compared with the same feelings that Pedro had for Susan’s father. This is shown when he says, ‘I will make him drink more from this cup’ (2.67). In achieving his dreams and aspirations, he is not limited by the legitimate means that are there. He succeeded in making Cassio lose Othello’s favor when he was involved in a fight after he became drunk. However, after this scenario, he still did not get the to replace Cassio as a lieutenant, but this did not kill his dream as he continued to device other new means until he destroyed him completely.

The similarity found in both stories is that just as Pedro did not get to marry Susan, Iago also did not get to achieve his dream. However, in both stories, the characters demonstrate the theme of hope and dreams though they seek to use corrupt means.


People who seek to use unjust means to reach their dreams and aspirations tumble along their way. Nature has a way of ensuring that they do not go away unpunished. Both stories demonstrate optimism but also the ill motives that were dominant in the character’s heart causing them not to achieve their hopes and dreams.