●For Problem 1’s Solution a 12-month plan

For Problem 1’s Solution: a 12-month plan

Target Audience Objective Action/ Activity Responsibility Time

Organizations Ensure the professional communication approach to different organizations Share Content via Facebook about the organization’s programs Marketing Department:

Digital Manager 1/6/2020 -1/6/2021

Individual members Improve members’’ loyalty Open up a group account for particular social media sites such as WhatsApp and Facebook

Members are also required to engage in conversations while using these social media sites Content Creator

& Digital Manager 1/6/2020-30/6/2020

Businesses Creating a communication network that could catapult potential investors to support various initiatives and projects within the community. Joining forces with community businesses to drive messages across their social media platforms and their followers Social Specialist 1/6/2020 -1/6/2021

Volunteers/ Non-membership targets Just like in the case of business, creation of a digital network or community that is ready to support initiatives in the community irrespective of one being a member or not Use of social media campaigns to recruit volunteers to help in various programs. Content Creator

& Digital Manager 1/6/2020 -1/6/2021

(Depends also on the timeline of the project or program)

For Problem 2’s Solution:

Target Audience Objective Action/ Activity Responsibility Time

Business To develop well-established business relationships, which would eventually enable the organization to save on cost while broadening their outreach. Forming business partnerships with other non-profit organizations such as the Multi-Cultural Network(MTN) organization.

Through this, the organization can come up with a project proposal that could require a partnership from a similar organization with a similar objective Marketing Department & The general manager 1/6/2020 -1/6/2021

Organizations Ensure that while partnering with other businesses and organizations, IWMN can use the advertising positions of these organizations to gain more exposure. As a result, more members would be recruited as well as developing viable projects and programs within the western Sydney community. Engaging in similar activities which are inclusive of all the members of the collaborating organizations The marketing department, Content creator & Digital manager 1/6/2020 -1/6/2021

Individual Members Forming partnerships at the membership level IWMN should provide free lectures as well as organize fun community events All departments 1/6/2020 -1/6/2021

Volunteers/ Non-membership targets To recruit more members who would end up creating funds that would supplement the marketing strategy budget

For non-members to engage in social media With the nation currently in lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic, making use of online platforms would prove to be essential.

Through social media, more members are recruited as well as joining in on the conversation of the provision of various services to the community. IWMN members, all departments most especially the digital and social media team. 1/6/2020 -1/3/2021