4 (Discussion Board Question)

Week 6 DB: Essay Help: Critical Analysis vs Discussion Essay: Differences and Challenges

Essays that fall under the category of “critical analysis” demand the writer to provide an objective assessment of a piece of writing, noting both its strengths and weaknesses. Discussing a book, article, or movie may all employ this format. Writing a critical analysis essay requires a close study of the assigned material, as well as further research to clarify any new phrases or topics. It’s structured with an introduction, a quick rundown, some analysis, and critical review. A discussion essay, on the other hand, necessitates the use of a personal perspective on a theme or subject. It could be biased or informed on several factors. A discussion essay requires taking of a position which could mean agreeing or disagreeing, investigating the point, and illustrating the exposition.

The biggest challenge for me so far in writing the essay has been to narrow down my argument to focus on one issue. Narrowing down the scope to focus on a defined audience, topic, and theme has been very challenging. I intend to resolve this issue by conducting thorough research and focusing on a single theme and to focus on synthesizing and critically analyzing it.