1898 marked a major turning point in America

1898 marked a major “turning point” in AmericaStudent’s Name



1898 marked a major “turning point” in the history of the United States and its position in the world. What factors caused this change in American’s attitudes toward American power (Berger, 1995). The gradual changes resulted in the change of the way of life in America and the political leadership in America. The period is characterized by several militaries explores and later led to a break of the first world war in America (Berger, 1995). At the end of the nineteenth century, the American foreign policy followed the guidelines set by George Washington to improve commercial relations with foreign nations and have very minimal political interactions.

Several factors caused this change in American’s attitudes toward American power that include political factors. Many countries wanted to become superior to others through patriotism and developing imperial power. Becoming superior is associated with national pride, security, and prestige. Empires prepared easy ways of accessing the navy and the armies globally. The other factor that led to a change in the attitude toward American power was economic factors (Berger, 1995). The imperial government wanted to expand economically and it was possible through maximizing the profits, availability of cheap labor, and access to power and control of markets in the world. After industrial colonies established industries and provided them with raw materials for the products they required in the markets. They also developed the transport infrastructure over the important ports and markets. They competed against each about the best quality products and the market for the products (Berger, 1995). Exploratory is another factor that made people change their attitude towards American power. America wanted its citizens to explore the world and new territories. Although some people had a sense of adventure, medical and scientific reaches were the most common reason for exploring new territories in America. America also wanted to show the world that their culture is more superior to others (Berger, 1995). They wanted to change the cultures of the inferior people and introduce their culture for them to adapt to the new culture. They also believed that their race is superior to others and they should civilize them using their culture.

`There are specific changes that occurred to affect the changes during the fight for American power. There was a geographical division of New York City into five boroughs. America also engaged in war Spanish people and they signed treaties to end the war (Berger, 1995). The United States blocked the Cuban ports and declared war on them. The random wars caused many deaths of men. The USS Maine explodes in Havana harbor caused the death of 266 men.


Berger, M. T. (1995). Under northern eyes: Latin American studies and US hegemony in the Americas, 1898-1990. Indiana University Press