1984 Literary Essay Assignment ENG 4C

1984 Literary Essay Assignment ENG 4C

Due date: ___________________________ (rough work and turnitin.com)

(-5% per day late penalty until both rough work and good copy turnitin.com submissions have been made)

For this assignment you will write a five paragraph, 700-900 word essay on one of the following topics:

Analyze the theme of betrayal in 1984.

Analyze the theme of dreams in 1984.

Analyze the theme of the danger of government control in 1984.


*You must submit evidence of the writing process (outline and edited rough copy).

*Use MLA format. (size 12, Times New Roman font, double space, use one side of the page…).

*Follow formal writing rules (present tense, no contractions, correct pronoun use…).

*Write in the present tense; use the active voice.

*Write a strong thesis statement that is proven with convincing evidence.

* Use the keyhole structure for essay writing.

*You must include at least one properly cited quotation in each of the body paragraphs.

*Each supporting point must have two pieces of evidence.

*When typing, italicize the title of the novel.


On the due date please submit your essay in the following order:

Good copy (turnitin.com)

Edited rough copy (-10% if the edited rough copy is not submitted)


Plagiarism will be strictly dealt with and may result in a grade of zero.

Use critical thinking skills to consider the topic and write the essay. If further assistance is required, consult with the teacher during the writing process.

Outside research should only be conducted to obtain contextual information; cite all sources carefully.

There will be a 5% mark deduction for any work cited on the works cited list that does not correspond with in text citation.

Please note that it is an academic offence to submit your own work that has previously been submitted for academic evaluation.

Please see Mrs. Hill if you require help or have questions.

Good Luck!!