Below are the directions for the final paper

Below are the directions for the final paper:

General Directions: Utilizing the structural-functional framework, analyze how your country’s political system works, its strengths and weaknesses and how it compares to other countries we have discussed. (Paper should be a minimum of 12 double spaced, typed pages/ no maximum; Please use 12 font)

You need to be citing AT LEAST 8 outside sources (journal articles/ books, no websites) Remember you should use the Carothers, O’Donnell, Rothstein and Stolle, Putnam, and Linz and Stepan articles.

Here are the 4 main components we will be looking for (especially when we are grading your final draft of your papers):

1. Organization: “Tell them what you’re going to tell them, Tell them, Tell them what you told them” (10 points)Introductory paragraph that:States topic of paperHas a clear thesis statementBody paragraphs that discuss the  main ideas and key details (see below for more information on content)Each new topic should have a new paragraphFlow of paperTransitions between paragraphs so that one paragraph clearly relates to the previous and proceeding paragraphsConcluding paragraph that sums up paper

2. Grammar/ Spelling (5 points)USE spellcheck!!!!!Watch comma usageWatch incomplete sentences. Watch verb tenseCheck capitalizationVary sentence structure and word choice

3. Content:  For your case study you should discuss: (30 points)


Political Culture/ Political SocializationInterest ArticulationInterest Aggregation

Policymaking Process and Policy/ OutputsGovernment StructureLeadership (i.e. executive-actually names)(Here, you basically will be editing your three case study papers and combining them. Please make sure to read our comments and make the necessary adjustments)

4. Critical Analysis-Once you have given the “details” of your country you MUST analyze how the political system works- This is what we’ve been encouraging you to do on your case study assignments (30 points)How do the above interdependent parts (interest articulation/ aggregation, political culture, history, government structure/ decisions rules, policy) interact with each other and impact the overall functioning of your country’s political system?) Compare your country to AT LEAST 2 of the countries we discussed in class What are the challenges facing your country? If your country is a democracy, in what areas does it need to improve to become a developed, consolidated democracy or to deepen the democracy? OR If your country is not a democracy, should it be assessed in terms of its potential for democracy or simply assessed for the political system it currently is? 

Compare Iran to Russia and to China