Political Framing
Institutional Affiliation
In politics, it is advisable to apply a plethora of strategies all geared towards realizing triumph against the rivaling camp. The dominating camp and its rival camp apply various viscosities meant to politically injure the rivals. Most campaigns strategies seek to trail the weaknesses of the rival and as a result, provide justifiable position to constantly attack the opponents. Frames seem a derivative of these stratagems. Political framing is instrumental since it aids the construction of a phenomenon that either favors the dominating camp or disfavors the opponent camp. This study will attempt to compare and contrast the equivalency frame and emphasis frame as applied in Lesbianism Gay and Bisexual (LGB) political topic. The study will construct vivid examples from past two US general elections in relation to the topic. The section is segmented into two main sections. Sections one provide a background scenario of Sarah Palin situation and how it grounded the development of frames, the section will as well provide background research pioneering this research. The second section will provide the basic operation of the two frames, and later compare and contrast the frames in relation to the thesis of this study.
When John McCain (2008 Republican presidential aspirant) named Sarah Palin his presidential running mate little did he know that skepticism would destroy his political destiny. In particular, framing Sarah Palin had regressive implication in relation to executive and gender politics. In fact, framing came from inside and outside the party. For instance, inside the party, there was debate targeting Sarah Palin as an ordinary citizen who happens to be an outside reformer. Other critics sought support from religion when they argued that Sarah Palin was a faithful fundamentalist. The most dehumanizing frame attempted to affiliate Sarah Palin as “the hockey mom.” Although it was evident that the democrat led all the heat on McCain’s campaign it is substantial to note that much of framing heat came from inside Republican circles. Technically, Sarah scored poorly on the social arena. This was dangerous to McCain political prosperity. For instance, Sarah working campaign agenda attempted to invite housewife to make a substantial contribution to the social, economic and political life by voting in the Republican duo. However, this approach was heavily attacked when critics triggered skepticism in Sarah’s daughter’s unwed pregnancy. After all, their analysis was justifiable ethics should begin at home.
Research has attempted to examine the nature of frames and how they applied to impact to a given political stratagem. However, minimal research has endeavored to compare or contrast the nature of frames as applied in a given political destination. Harvey et al. (2013) presents similar collective research attempting to exemplify the Obama campaign ideology and how both instances of equivalency or emphasis frames were applied. Inversely, Kenski (2010) seconded by Ferraris (2012) aggrandizes the passions associated with political frames and how; as a result, frames are integral in depicting a given ideological course. Parallel researches seconding these connotations include; Callaghan (2013) and Grant (2004) provide statistical qualitative or quantitative techniques applied to bail out a given stratagem of frames. This research is further seconded by Box-Steffensmeier (2013) who depicts several incidences in comparing or contrasting the application of framing in the 2012 campaign. Therefore, it is good to note that there is a complex relationship between the two frames which are going to be covered in this study.
Literature Review
Theoretical connotations
Skepticism is naturally directed by individual, societies, professional organization and divergent groups with intent to organize perceive and communicate with reality. Research has also established that social construction depicted by politicians or media often becomes an inevitable process during political development. In the definition, Grant et al. (2004, p. 29) defines that the framing is the process by which a communication source defines and construct political issues or public controversy.
Type One: Equivalency frame
Initially, the manner in which phenomenon of framing was defined, it was clear that the framing cases were restricted to a given source of alternative presentations. The decisions in favor of equivalent framing were structurally developed to examine a one-sided ideology. However, researchers have recently realized that equivalent frame is only possible if there is a decisive comparison between the two rivaling sides. For instance, Romney in 2011 favored the “don’t ask don’t tell policy” in relation to LGBT individuals we while Obama seconds that the issue can only be handed at state level and not at the federal level (Kelly, 2012).
In politics, the cognitive process should be priming and the politician seconded by his team should realize that some factors are important than others. In either case, the individual should embrace an all rounded agenda one that can withstand any heat including heat from the marginalized group. In this case, equivalency frames are often worded in terms of gains and losses. For instance, in the 2008 political campaign, Scrutiny was specifically directed towards examining McCain military life, and this was interpreted in to nature of politics that McCain processed. It should be understood that by the time of 2008, Americans desired a decisive domestic political approach and in any case, the republican driven foreign policy was significantly losing clout. Therefore, in relation to LGBT issues, Obama prevailed on the knowledge that McCain camp was focusing on issues which did not address the real interest of the larger American population.
In this regard, (2010, p. 8) argues that the priming hypothesis assumes that individuals embrace the criteria for assessment on the basis of accessibility. To the media and the larger public opinion, the criterion is how quickly and automatically that such a criterion will come to mind. If the McCain political strategy were not centered on extending the Bush’s foreign policy then the equivalent frame methodology could not have prompted identification. In contrast, the equivalent frame directed to Obama automatically favored Obama’s team political destiny. Harvey et al. (2013, p. 140) presents Dr. Jeremiah Wright critical sermons and how they were vital in solidifying antiracist counter-framing directed by a rivaling McCain camp. In any case, the convention that the white controlled significant elements of the mainstream media inversely prompted the electorate to vote in Obama on sympathy basis. In fact, the mainstream media framed Obama as a militant black preacher who was only good at demagogy and Africanized in management.
In an analysis, operation within a racial-religious frame blinded many in the mainstream media. While it is common knowledge that racist ideologies are by far large defeated in America, it is appropriate to note that religious framing often proves appealing because of a heavy polarized religious arena. Religion in any case has been a source of integral debates in the last three decades with Lesbian Gay and Bisexual (LGB) assuming center stage in this.
Type Two: Emphasis frame
This frame is widely applied since there is no decisive justification which and in most cases, information is dispensed on the propaganda basis. However, for the purpose of framing, emphasis frame is dangerous since it seeks to expose an individual or his/ her relative party negatively. Callaghan and Schnell (2013, p. 38) argues that emphasis framing is a strategic game and seeks to outcompete a rival based on his social life. Accordingly, the individual or the party nature of addressing personal life is interpreted on his/ her ability of addressing the jurisdiction affairs.
Ideally, emphasis framing technique is based on the ability of the dominating party to initiate a persuasion methodology seeking to gain clout. As a result, the emphasizing party will apply media tools amongst other tools to achieve substantial results edging out the rival party. For instance, in 2008, Obama edged out McCain on the issue of the rule of law in Guantanamo bay. In any case, McCain was not part of Bush administration but a republican aspirant. Therefore, linking McCain to the Guantanamo aspect is largely unfair. Snow (2010, p. 24) argues that by far large McCain was much suitable to outcompete Obama, after all, Obama had issues also. For instance, Obama was just a mere Harvard attorney and community organizer from Chicago who had little political experience compared to long serving statesman like McCain. However, McCain affiliation to given political machinery (Bush system) was critical enough to edge out McCain from proper politics. In fact, a staunch Republican senator Jackson criticized Obama law theories on impracticability purposes. Jackson held the view that Obama is teaching Kids on LGB and thus, advocating the act as part of their action.
Although Obama dominated McCain on the emphasis frame, in 2012 Mick Romney presented an equal challenge that Obama camp could not have expected. However, Obama sympathizers were quick with intent to justify a given course. Ferraris (2012, p. 68) presents part of the emphasis framing strategies applied by Obama sympathizers. In this extract, part of the gross propaganda film depicts Mr. Romney performing ultra-conservative and the ultimate proof that he is a real Marxist legendary. The ad says: ROMNEY SPEAKS FRENCH. This relegation is structurally developed to disqualify the candidate to hold any significant public office.
In contemporary America, emphasis frame is conducted both in the streets and a stage. Although the street game seems significantly vicious, this research cannot ignore the significance of stage speech in illuminating on the nature of politics. Box-Steffensmeier (2012) classifies Obama-Romney framing with a clear empathy for Romney side. The game frame emphasized the candidates’ debate preparation strategies. In any case, the emphasis frames are treated as a contest against individuals and not a platform to present their ideologies. For instance, the announcement that “Romney had to prepare harder for the debates than Obama” is a critical blow that seeks to explain that Romney was not prepared for the heat in the Oval Room. Conversely, Romney camp is responsive to the nature of criticism directed towards Romney as an individual. Romney is quick to bail himself out as an underdog who is not aware of the way forward when it comes to emphasis debates. In fact, Romney is quoted to having said “The President is obviously a very eloquent gifted speaker – he’ll do just fine”
In an analysis, the mainstream media plays a decisive role conceiving and leading a given debate. In any case, the debate is structurally developed to generate new-ideas as especially those which related to to handle given situations. Sarah Palin presents a critical depiction in attempting to argue how emphasis politics is prepared to edge outrivaling camps.
The depiction of an individual/ group depends on the accessibility and the applicability of different dimensions and how they are applied to seek emphasis to a given issues or certain value of frames. In comparison of the two frames, it is good to note that the each of the frame seeks to analyze an individual personality, sociality and administrative ability. In fact, both frames are entirely based on the aspect of criticism. Criticism is structurally directed towards achieving a given set of answers. Secondly, it is good to understand the complexity of the two frames and how the media seeks to bridge the gap between them. For instance, in 2012, Obama camp applied the emphasis claim to argue out a given justification. In their phrases, it was clear that the camp was least interested in preparing for an emphasis debate since they had pressing issues ahead with LGBT presenting part of that “seriousness” republican side. Now the aspect of issues is introduced, apparently, there was a parallel claiming arguing that Romney was not in technical capacity to handle issues at the oval room. As a result, the two camps constructed an equivalency frame (issue based) to arrive at a given direction.
However, the nature of frames differs heavily in how they are depicted. In this regard, it is good to note that equivalency frames have their differential effects in relation to individual bases. The evaluation on the nature of dimension is based on the rate and how each framing is applied. While equivalency frame applies a structural qualitative analysis on an individual/ party contribution, the emphasis frame is largely propaganda based. In relation to Obama and Romney contest, the two frames were applied significantly alongside each other. However, the nature of the deployment heavily differed. In fact, difference was extended to the stage level. At the stage level, the equivalency frame expected candidates to wear official presentation – that is in this case is suits. Inversely, the emphasis frame was demonstrated by wear of casual wear, which is in this case not recognized as an official wear. Therefore, in an analysis, the two frames were applied alongside each to explain vital information regarding the nature of each candidate. Not to mention that the frames were instrumental in conveying differences between the two leading participants.
In summary, it is good to argue that the two frames feed from each other. In this case, the operation of one frame requires the availability of the seconding frame. The two frames are instrumental in aiding the dominating party to attack opponent socially and professionally. The study has also attempted to depict that the two frames similarities are based on the ability of each frame to inspire the audience that the opponent is not fit to be an office bearer. The study has also clarified frames are well communicated by use of body language. In the termination, it is prudent to note that frames are collective political ideology since through frames; the audience is able to access the candidate capability of handling administrative heat.
Box-Steffensemeier, J.M., & Schier, S.E. (2013). The American Elections of 2012. New York:
Callaghan, K., & Schnell, F. (2013). Framing American Politics. Pittsburgh: University of
Ferraris, J.P. (2012). Obama 2012: For a Compassionate America. New York: Author House.
Harvey, A., & Feagin, J. (2013). Yes We Can?: White Racial Framing and the Obama
Presidency. New York: Routledge
Kenski, K., Hardy, B., & Jamieson, K. H. (2010). The Obama Victory: How Media, Money, and
Message Shaped the 2008 Election. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Grant, J. T., & Rudolph, T. J. (2004). Expression vs. equality. Columbus: Ohio State University
Kelly, J. T. (2012). Framing democracy: A behavioral approach to democratic theory. Princeton:
Princeton University Press.
Snow, N. (2010). Propaganda Inc: Selling America’s Culture to the World. New York: Seven
Stories Press.