Bondy, Elizabeth, and Dorene D. Ross. “The teacher as warm demander.” Educational Leadership 66.1 (2008): 54-58.
In this article, the author discusses ways a teacher can engage a classroom. Let students believe that you care-and will not stop to. “Many teachers in high-poverty schools struggle to establish a positive classroom environment” (4). Their level of caring does not match the needs of these disengaged children and it thus does not make a difference. “What is missing is not skill in lesson planning, but a teacher stance that communicates both warmth and a non-negotiable demand for student effort and mutual respect” (5). This is what is referred to as the warm demander, a stance used to sustain engagement in high poverty schools. “Although warm demanders may become frustrated by student behavior, they accept problems as normal, and they believe in students’ ability to improve” (23). This article had me believe that teachers despite having little control over various aspects of school engagement, they have the capacity to create supportive climates that allow for engagement among these group of students