MGT 4750 Business Strategy
Mission Statement Revision
Review the Mission Statements of Harley-Davidson, Minolta and Delta Airline reported below. Each provides a definition of the company’s purpose. Circle the letter in questions 1-6 that most closely matches how you think the statements satisfy the criteria for defining the core purpose in terms of customer needs and how the statements express the organization’s philosophy and values.
Harley Davidson:
We fulfill dreams through the experience of motorcycling, by providing to motorcyclists and to the general public and expanding line of motorcycle and branded products and services in selected market segments. Minolta:
We will be a broad line supplier of high quality conventional and digital product and service solutions that meet our customers imaging and image distribution needs today and in the future. We will do this in a way that is both cost effective for our customers and profitable for our company.
Making Delta, carrier of choice for customers through operational excellence, “second mile” service and building emotional connections with the disability community.
Question 1) How closely does the mission statement define Harley-Davidson’s core purpose in terms of customer needs?
No core purpose discussed Defines core purpose in terms of product/service provided Defines core purpose very well in terms of customer needs
Question 2) Are statements of the organization’s philosophy and values included?
No statement of philosophy included Statements are vague Clearly expresses corporate philosophy/values
Question 3) How closely does the mission statement define Delta’s core purpose in terms of customer needs?
No core purpose discussed Defines core purpose in terms of product/service provided Defines core purpose very well in terms of customer needs
Question 4) Are statements of the organization’s philosophy and values included?
No statement of philosophy included Statements are vague Clearly expresses corporate philosophy/values
Question 5) How closely does the mission statement define Minolta’s core purpose in terms of customer needs?
No core purpose discussed Defines core purpose in terms of product/service provided Defines core purpose very well in terms of customer needs
Question 6) Are statements of the organization’s philosophy and values included?
No statement of philosophy included Statements are vague Clearly expresses corporate philosophy/values
Team Activity: Mission Statement Revision
Names: Name 1, Name 2, Name 3
1) Transfer each team member’s ratings onto the charts below
Core Purpose Philosophy and Values
Team Member Harley-Davidson Delta Minolta Harley-Davidson Delta Minolta
(Name 1) B C B&C B C C
(Name 2) C B B&C B C C
(Name 3) B C B&C A C C
2) Discuss the above individual ratings. Through consensus, develop a new team rating for each of the mission statements.
Following the ratings above, (name 1) considers Harley Davidson to have defined its core purpose according to the product that it provides. In this case, (name 1) identified Harley’s focus on motorcycling and its branded products as standing out, thus being its sole focus. (Name 2), on the other hand, views Harley as having defined the core purpose in detail enough to focus on consumer needs. The focus is on the basis of providing branded products to motorcyclists and the general public. Lastly, (name 3) views Harley Davidson as focusing its efforts on the product it provides due to the fulfillment of dreams by providing branded products to different market segments. The focus is more on the products than the customers. Vague statements can be identified for Harley for names 1 & 2, while 3 sees no philosophy in Harley’s core purpose.
In the case of Delta, names 1 & 3 see the customer-centered point of Delta due to the needs being met in the process while 2 sees the product-centered view due to focus on making itself the carrier of choice. All members agree on clarity of Delta’s philosophy and values.
As per Minolta’s case, all members agree on clear communication of focus on products and customers, due to high quality products provided to meet customer needs. All members agree on a clear communication of philosophy and values.
All members unanimously agree that Harley is product-focused with vague statements, Delta is customer-focused with a clear philosophy and values, while Minolta is product and customer-focused with a clear philosophy and values.
Core Purpose Philosophy and Values
Team Member Harley-Davidson Delta Minolta Harley-Davidson Delta Minolta
Name 1,2,3 B C B&C B C C
3) Rewrite one of the company statements to incorporate an improved definition of the core purpose.
Delta: we are the carrier of choice given our operational excellence and focus on meeting the needs of the disability community through providing custom comfort to all while going the extra mile to fulfill both he customer’s and company’s needs.
4) Pick one of the company statements that could include more information regarding philosophy and values. Give examples of what might be included.
Harley Davidson could include more information on its philosophy and values. It could include focus on safety and comfort through the specialized fleet of motorcycles.
5) What other characteristics of the statements did your team notice/discuss?
The team noticed that the companies try to meet customer needs as well as their own, while still ensuring that the information is relayed in a brief summary that can be easily understood, therefore, brief and to the point. They have tried to ensure that at first glance, one knows what they are selling.