Administration strategies in Etisalat company questionnaire.


Administration strategies in Etisalat company questionnaire.

The following interview is designed for research purpose alone. The collected information will be kept confidential. For this interview, you will respond with either agree (A), strongly agree (SA), disagree (D), strongly disagree (SD), not sure.

Personal Interviews

Your sex?



What is your age bracket?

18-30 (1)

31-44 (2)

45 and above (3)

Highest academic qualification obtained.

Diploma/certificate (1)

Bachelor (2)

Masters/PhD (3)

How long have you worked in this organization?

Less than two years (1)

More than two years (2)

More than five years (3)

How long have you worked in your department?

Less than two years (1)

More than two years (2)

More than five years (3)

Self Administered Survey

Agree (A) Not sure (N) Disagree (D)

Are you satisfied with Administration strategies in Etisalat company? Are you satisfied with your job position? Are you satisfied with the present working hours? Are you happy with my work responsibilities? Do you feel comfortable in carrying out your responsibilities? Are you satisfied with work relationships with the people around you? Are you satisfied with various activities in the company and love participating in them? Are you happy with the overall Administration strategies? Do you feel the organization employs suitable strategies in its administration? Do you think current Administration strategies have been successful? Are you satisfied with the present performance of other administration departments? Are you happy with the recognition and rewards for your outstanding works and contributions to this organization? Are you satisfied and think you’ve been awarded right set of duties, as per your ability? Is Fulfilling your responsibilities giving you a feeling of satisfaction and personal achievement? Have there been useful reforms in administration in the recent past? Analysis

In coding in excel, Agree (A) was coded 1; Not sure was represented by 0; Disagree was represented by 2. Based on the result, though might not be reflective due to limitation on number of respondents, the study revealed that 67% of the administrative positives are occupied by men. The analysis also revealed that majority of the administrative officers are experienced with over five years in their stations. Based on the experience of the respondents, data is considered consistent as the officers have stayed in their work stations for more than five years and so well conversant with company operational strategies. On the analysis whether Administration strategies in Etisalat company are suitable, the analysis revealed that the strategies are effective and the three respondents agreed to this. The first respondent had an average of 1.2 meaning he agreed to majority of the issues since the results learns towards 1, which was agree. The second and third respondents had averages of 1.3 which is less than 1.5 and so closer to 1 than 2 and so they both agreed to majority of the issues. It can be therefore, based on experience of respondent and their responses that Administration strategies in Etisalat company has been effective.