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The eight-millennium goals are the goals that were discussed and agreed upon by member states that they will try to achieve by the year 2015. They were put into place in the year 2000, and in 2016 the sustainable development goals succeeded the millennium development goals. The goals are as a beam of hope in the world torn apart by so many issues affecting every human being. However, these goals were reasonable; achieving them needed a relentless government and a people full of hope and faith that it was possible. Even though a large percentage was completed, there remain many of them unachieved. The millennium development goals included; ensuring stability of the environment and developing a global partnership for development, achieving universal basic education, promoting gender equality and empowering women, reducing child mortality rate, combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases, eradicating extreme hunger and poverty, improve maternal health (World Bank, 110).
The governments of all the member states have put a lot of effort into this, and with the assistance of other governments, a lot has been achieved, which can be celebrated. For example, there has been accessing to primary education to a higher degree in 2015 than in 2000. However, extreme poverty is not yet fully dealt with, and it is a sad state of affairs. This is because poverty is caused by very many factors that have to be dealt with. The above millennium development goals have been a close check for most governments. Those who could not achieve them are still striving to achieve them or even supersede them shortly as the new sustainable development goals to be completed by 2030, which were set in 2015. Issues like environmental stability bring humanity together, which is a perfect sign of unity with a common purpose. The same ought to be extended to other areas of life and society to works towards realizing peace and harmony in working together and making the world a better place by reflecting and doing what one is capable of doing to achieve the sustainable development goals currently in place of millennium development goals (Chinnammai, 13).
Globalization refers to the integration of international markets, and it is through this, interaction is enhanced, and people from diverse cultures and backgrounds meet. This is one of the reasons the world is called a small village. People can travel from any part of the world to another; people can also buy goods and services from any part of the world to another and many other international businesses resulting from globalization. The definition of globalization is the interdependence of the world’s economies. Academic literature divides globalization into three aspects which are economic, political and cultural globalization. According to academic literature globalization is divided into three aspects that is; economies, cultural and political globalization. There is also geographic globalization which means people travelling and living in different countries or parts of the world depending with the desire of an individual.
Some of the causes of globalization include; improved technology, improved transportation, introduction and use of national trade blocks, and global media growth, among other factors. This has negative and positive aspects. Some of the negative characteristics include; fluctuating prices for commodities, job insecurity, poverty alleviation, unemployment, displacement of workers, and increased diseases. These negative factors caused by globalization continue to affect the world. However, most of them existed only that globalization tends to accelerate how they grow fast and cover a large area or over a large population.
Apart from the harmful effects, globalization also has positive results, which include; access to a variety of goods and services at low costs, eradicating poverty, especially in third world countries, better information, and technology, increase in the level of cultural awareness, elimination of currency manipulation among other harmful factors.
In conclusion, the 8-millennium development goals were crucial in gearing the world to a better place in all aspects which matter, and they played a significant role in re-aligning the world into the right state of affairs. The globalization we are facing today is also excellent and negative; however, it is more important to each one of us when used positively for appositive gains.
Works cited
Chinnammai, S. “Effects of globalization on education and culture.” New Delhi (2005).
Haines, Andy, and Andrew Cassels. “Can the millennium development goals be attained?.” Bmj 329.7462 (2004): 394-397.
World Bank. “Millennium Development Goals.” 2015. 109c-112.
World Health Organization. Millennium development goals. No. SEA-HSD-271. WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia, 2004.