The English Translation by Wadad Makdisi

The English Translation by Wadad MakdisiName


Course instructor


Summary Page 79

Wadad Makdisi is a true patriot who is not pleased by the assimilation or imposition of the French culture in Lebanon. He seems to love his country and believes that Lebanon’s culture and language should prevail without interference from the foreign culture and language. The author of the book is a campaigner for patriotism and independence of the Lebanese. He believed that Lebanon should make their own decisions and carry out activities in the absence of French interference especially in the education sector. The author who was a principal of a school in Lebanon experiences the impact of French culture including identifying the Lebanon’s school program with the French educational program. The French authorities wanted the Lebanese children to fall in love with the French culture by embedding their own culture in the Lebanese schools. The intention was to transform Lebanon into a French loving nation through incorporation of the French culture into Lebanese children.

Wada Makdisi is very much conversant with the French culture and he understands and appreciates French culture and language fairly yet the need for national identity and patriotism burns inside him. Makdisi was eager to speak Lebanese language and have a deeper understanding of Lebanese culture instead of being engrained into the French culture. The fact that Lebanon seemed detached from Arab roots was very frustrating especially seeing everyone in public places including shopkeepers speaking in French instead of using Arabic language, which can be identified with Lebanon. The author claims that subjects taught in Lebanon including English, Sciences were taught in French language and that French History and Geography were compulsory.


Colonization had greater effect on their colonies and this is evident in Lebanon where France attempted to force itself into the Lebanese. Patriotism is very important especially the fact that every citizen would want to be identified with a particular culture, language and a country. Learning or enforcing a foreign culture into another country is undeserving move associated with selfish mind and thoughts. Although patriotism may be mistaken for revolution, it is very important for every individual to remain loyal to a country of origin. Both the Arabic text and the English translation have proved helpful in providing information regarding the need to remain patriotic and the issues regarding culture assimilation and transformation.

The English translation has pointed out at some of the activities such as introducing French culture, language and literature into the Lebanese culture, which is deemed unfair as far as patriotism, is concerned. Incorporating a foreign culture in an educational program is indeed an intention to make the learners adopt the foreign country and even love their (foreigners) culture. France’s intention was very clear, to completely turn the Lebanese into a French loving country and perhaps extend their territory. Wadad had a clear understanding of what patriotism is and was very loyal to his country. He did not like the idea that every Lebanese wanted to speak in French yet there is an Arabic, which belongs to them (Lebanese). From the education perspective, it is very clear that French wanted to incorporate their culture, history , language into the Lebanese and this would completely challenge the Lebanese culture.