A comparison between the History of Hip Hop and the History of jazzRap has long been in existence since the last 23 years of the century revolution. The early establishments of rap were pressed on viny sugarhill gang. This was an established by the early years of the 1970s where the composition was basically a fashion with a significant trend among the population of the universe. Hip hop is the definition of rap which is a composition of a large tradition of music a baggy dress code, break dancing and largely the involvement of graffiti. The genre also has other traditions of specific language and a life style that has a universal recognition. The definition of hip hop is traced to the late years of the 19th century and is a characterized by the early DJs who would define hip-hop traditions by the general life style.
The early DJs in the industry include DJ Blaze a legendary from South Africa. DJ Blaze ia considered the center of the music orientation to other population and general culture of the music classification. The history of hip hop dates to the year 1973 in the state of New York. During this time, Kool Herc a Jamaican was a spin master in South Bronx and began looping specific records by making breaks of intervals. This was later replayed by turn tables and the use of mixers to produce a kind of song with an accelerated groove. The creation of the groove impacted to a group of kids dancing to the tunes and the art soon spread over a large area as most crowds gathered during spins in the parks. Richard Colon was a leader of the early hip-hop that also dominated the 70s creating a rare type of hip hop class category.
The creation of the categorical gang music involves brake dancing and a series of formulated rap that has widely been presented through the use of graffiti as a popularity factor greatly promoting Hip Hop. Rap is a categorical music genre that has a classification of old school and the new school sound which is highly embraced by the hip hop fans. The old school version is characterized by break dances that has popping as a major scenic standard. The set is a combination of foot work and pop culture display through the locking technique. The new school is also a definition of the new culture and transformation in hip hop direction.
Hip hop has completely transformed the approach on music to a significant culture changing other forms of music appreciation as many dances have been formulated. This has also influenced music to the next level where the dancers have a adopted the hip hop dance styles and the general life styles. The hip hop music has a strong effect in the society and does not prove to fade away but instead rapidly develops into a complex stage and phase.
Jazz History
Jazz as a musical piece can be classified as the expression art of music display. Jazz music is believed to originate from New Orleans rapidly spreading to Missippi river through St. Louis and then into Chicago.
Jazz is viewed as the fundamental rhythms of a population in relation to real life situations and circumstances by a reassessment of the tradition deeds or virtues. The composition of the jazz music is presented in the black American traditions and way of life. The common evolution of the jazz music can be observed from the development of the gospel tunes, tribal drums and generally field screaming. Jazz music is an attribute of the human life in relation to the routine functionality of the same. The hidden meaning of the word jazz entails an explanation of vulgar language with reference to behavior. The early definition of jazz music was related to immorality of life. The evolution of civilization has depicted jazz an epitome of musical art with a deep sense on the melodic phrasing displayed by the composition and performance.
Jazz as a musical piece can be classified as the expression art of music display. Jazz music is believed to originate from New Orleans rapidly spreading to Missippi river through St. Louis and then into Chicago. Jazz is viewed as the fundamental rhythms of a population in relation to real life situations and circumstances by a reassessment of the tradition deeds or virtues. The comparison between the two pieces has a varied difference. Rap has long been in existence since the last 23 years of the century revolution. The early establishments of rap were pressed on viny sugarhill gang. Hip hop is the definition of rap which is a composition of a large tradition of music a baggy dress code, break dancing and largely the involvement of graffiti. The genre also has other traditions of specific language and a life style that has a universal recognition. The two music genres have a great contribution to the human expression in regards to music.