A comprehensive study of the reasons why Emirati families discourage their sons from working in hotel industry

A comprehensive study of the reasons why Emirati families discourage their sons from working in hotel industry





Problem statement

Emirati families discourage their sons from working in hotel industry. Moreover, the numbers of job vacancies in the region is lower as competition in the job market continues to become more intensive.

Research questions

What are the main reasons that make Emirati families to discourage their sons from working in hotel industry?

How does the community view individuals working in the hotel industry?

Does the local communities consider the hotel industry as inferior for their sons to be employed there

How is the perception of the Emirati community affected when male workers decide to seek employment in the hotel industry?

Are there any forms of repercussions which a male employee is exposed to when he is employed in the hotel industry?


To evaluate the reasons that influence Emirati families to discourage their sons from working in hotel industry.

To determine how the communities view individuals working in the hotel industry.

To identify if the communities consider working in hotel industry as inferior for their sons.

To analyze the impact on perception of Emirati communities when male workers decide to seek jobs in the hotel industry.

To examine if there are any forms of repercussion for male employees working in the hotel industry.Literature review

Job dissatisfaction according to Locke is best defined as the behavior or attitude an individual develops towards their job. When an individual becomes satisfied in their workplace, they develop a state of pleasure, which tends to affect their cognitive abilities because of their work appraisal (Brief, 2002). When it comes to an organization and obtaining profits, employee satisfaction will make sure that maximization of work profits is the key issue. When an employee is satisfied the employee turnover becomes minimal and the profit maximization becomes higher. According to research carried out, there is a mutual relationship between the employees’ performance in a company and the satisfaction obtained in the work place (MBA, 2010). An employee turnover can have negative or positive results. This may result from either the employer or in other cases the employee. Human resource management plays a vital role in an organization because employers use this strategy to reduce the voluntary turnover or the employer firing the workers (Vangel, 2011). The work of human resource management is to train the employees, manage their overall performance, compensation strategies, and the methods best suitable for employee selection. This means the human resource team usually works very hard to make sure the company’s employment rate is on an increase while the job turnover is on the decrease (Kazi, 2011). Even though there have been studies conducted in the past, few have tried to explain the reasons as to why employee turnover is relatively proportional to the level of satisfaction in the workplace. This paper explains why employee income is affected by job turnover with regards to maximizing the profits to the company and therefore resulting in high turnover levels of job dissatisfaction.

One of the reasons as to why job satisfaction results in a higher level of turnover is the employee’s work life conflict (Kazi, 2011). Work and life conflict in itself depends wholly on an individual’s satisfaction. In an organization, individuals aspire to earn a higher living as compared to their work mates in order to boost their lives and satisfy their levels of needs (Luthans, 1992). In quite a number of organizations, it is possible to find the work colleagues talking together about how much they earn in terms of salaries. When a worker finds out their fellow workmates earn more, they tend to feel dissatisfied and in the long run, the company is the one to go down. According to research carried out, the level of income an individual earns is directly proportional to the level of satisfaction that is required for a company to succeed even when the managerial levels of the company are held constant over time (Aydogdu, 2011). In the end, low level personal satisfaction in the work place may have a negative impact on the organization’s effectiveness in carrying out its activities as well as deteriorating the lives of the employees.

Job turnover is another threat that affects an organization’s performance. This takes place as a result of the downsizing strategies organizations in the recent past are trying to do. A single organization has more than one employee with whom they rely on in order to become successful. Economizing in an organization may tend to bring about voluntary turnover by a high number of employees. These employees were devoted, motivated, and faithful and who contributed greatly towards the company’s growth (Mishra & Spreitzer, 1998). Competition and globalization in the industrial scene have created a situation whereby an organization has to reduce the expenses with an aim of achieving maximum profits. One way of achieving this is by reducing the number of employees and utilizing the human resources to its maximum potential. This being the case, quite a number of employees have a low dissatisfaction level regarding the company and their employment uncertainty. A number of the employees feel like quitting the job and declining certain organizational commitments (Brockner, Grover, Reed, DeWitt & O’Malley 1987).

The working environment acts in improving or destroying the employment turnover. There are certain basic conditions in the work place that tend to determine how the employment turnover will be for example a proper lighting system, good furniture in the office, good relationships with their colleagues, and a clean work place. The attributes and attitudes towards the working conditions of the employees are directly proportional to an organization’s success and the willingness of a person to work faithfully in the company without second doubts (Laser, 1980). Adapting to a new working environment tends to be a bit problematic for certain people and therefore their levels of satisfactions may be affected (Kazi, 2011). In case an employee’s new working conditions are not as favorable as the previous, it will affect their intent to leave their new workplace. According to research, many people will tend to jump from one company to the other as a result of their working environment because their personal satisfactions have not been achieved at all (Kazi, 2011).

In an organization, job turnover rates are directly comparable to the number of opportunities available in the organization. Lack of opportunities by an employee in the industry tends to result to low growth rates and the number (Aydogdu, 2011). Promotion is one major possibility that employees tend to perceive while working. Promotion in the work place involves the likelihood of progression from one level to the other. During the recruitment process, many employers have a tendency to give a certain impression to their employees as to suggest their advancement while working in the company and in the process; they hide the basic job requirements (Kazi, 2011). When this does not happen, the employee tends to have dissatisfaction towards their work because of the negative perception about the management towards their economic advancements and other subsidiary benefits (Kazi, 2011). Research has it that the human psychological nature has a tendency to relate to the company in terms of appreciating and appraising the quality of work they do (Feldmann and Arnold, 1985).

Due to high levels of dissatisfaction with an organization and the quality of work rendered by the employee, there are certain consequences that result in the process with regards to the organization and the employee. One such consequence is the level of work performance (Aydogdu, 2011). This can be determined by how an individual performs their duties at work, their consistencies in terms of work attendance, and how they behave towards their organization’s management. According to research carried out, there is a great diversity emanating from the situation concerning an employer and employee in terms of performance. A number of employers interviewed claim that the production of an organization depends on the level of satisfaction extended towards the employees (Aydogdu, 2011). The other end result arising from an employee’s dissatisfaction is the fact that the rate of turnover increases. The employees tend to look for better working conditions and other organizations that pay quite a handful of money for the quality of services they render (Aydogdu, 2011). This in turn leads to a high percentage of employee non-attendance. Studies show that there is a negative relation between commitment towards an organization and the rate of absenteeism (Aydogdu, 2011). The number of employees who become absent in an organization comes as a result of their commitment to their organizational duties.

Research Methodology

The research methodology is the most important part of the research as it highlights how the data used in the research was collected and analyzed. There are a myriad data sampling techniques, but the most optimal; method of collecting data is the open method that offers a comprehensive system of collecting data with minimal limitations and drawbacks. This method should be comprehensive to enable generalizability for the whole population. However, there are a number of factors that are put into consideration when collecting data, noteworthy amongst them are soundness and consistency of the results that would be realized after the research.Reliability in the research depends on the technique used for sampling the data, while the validity of the research depends on the layout of the questionnaire. The researcher employed multifarious deduction throughout the research. Research process is contemplated to ensure that an insightful idea is created to enable the researcher reach a probable conclusion. Search Philosophy these are assumptions that underpin the research strategy and data collection strategy. This research is mainly concerned with a subjective knowledge and interpretation of the phenomena, is a social word basing on the general assumption that coherences in the social world are complex.On the other hand, the research philosophy in use is the positivism that argues that the research results can be generalised to cover the entire human population, with respect to the general characteristics of the population under considerations. Research Approach This research followed the deductive approaches of research as it tries to analyze the empirical data out of which the hypothesis was formed , it is therefore important to note the research approach in consideration should verify the causal relationship that are in the existing theories. “

Quantitative and qualitative Approach

In research there are two major approaches that can be flowed to realize the aims of the research; these are qualitative and quantitative approaches. However, the qualitative approach is the most effective method in the scientific researches. However, this being a social research, the researcher made use if the qualitative research, in which the data sampled from the chosen population is categorized and analyzed based on the subjective understanding of the researcher. It is important to note that due to the coherent weaknesses of the quantitative research, the researcher had to use quantitative research by analyzing the statistical data related to the research to help him realize the research objectives. It is also noteworthy that quantitative research depend on the establishment of the relationships between variables.

Research Strategy

The researched strategy of choice for this study was the deductive strategy as was easy to answer the research question with the aim of meeting the research objectives. In this approach, the formulated aims of the research were answered by effective tests of the collected data. The researcher observed general theories and collected data. In this dissertation the deductive approach was chosen. General theories were observed out of which aims were formulated, a questionnaire to collect the data was set up, and this was essentially to test those against existing literature, to be able to either confirm or reject the original theories in the end.


Data collection is a very important part of the any research, however, it is challenging to collect data from the whole population due the natural problems associated with collection of data from a wide population, it is important to select a small portion from the whole population that would be a representation of the whole population; this is called sampling. This research implemented the random sampling method to derive the response for the research questions

Data Collection”

Data was collected by use of Likert type structured questionnaire, these questionnaires were self administered by the researcher. However, secondary study was conducted on the literature available such as academic journals, social research reports, industry magazines as well as course material available from the university library. Additionally, the internet was used to derive the most recent information on the topic. These data was used to test the hypothesis.

It is important to note that one of the limitations of this research was time and access restriction. Therefore random sampling was done to get the population for research and restrict the confine of the data collection to this particular group, under the assumption that it would be generalized to represent the entire population. Data collection methods Interviews were used as the research design for this study in place where quantitative a combination of primary and secondary data will help realize the objectives of this research.


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