a critique view on the article organization goals and priorities and the job satisfaction of the United States journalists

Organization Behavior







This paper presents a critique view on the article organization goals and priorities and the job satisfaction of the United States journalists. The article presents a research carried out to investigate the impact of organization goals prioritization on the job satisfaction of the employees. The research was governed by the objective of determining the factors associated with job satisfaction of the employees. The study employed American journalist data collected in a sequence of ten years since 1971. In addition, scholarly survey data was employed in the research. The research established that job satisfaction is a key element for better performance of an organization. Nevertheless, prioritization of organization goals and job satisfaction had a negative correlation.

Topic of the Article:

The topic of the article is very crucial in the conceptualization and understanding of an organization behavior management and the advancement of organization effectiveness in UAE. The article addresses the issue of organizations priorities in their goals and job satisfaction of the United States (U.S) journalist. It is very evident that, an effective organization achieves goals through satisfaction of employees in their jobs. In this, employees’ performance improves, they develop self-driven morale in their working environment, and their loyalty to the organization increases extensively. The article depicts that in some organizations; the organization management has a major concern on the achievement of the goals and forgets that there is a need for the employee to get job satisfaction in all situations. In addition, the article demonstrates the importance of job satisfaction in an organization and how job satisfaction aids in development of the morale of the employees.

Since all organizations have a goal of attaining effectiveness in their endeavors, the article shows the key area that needs address by an organization. Employees in an organization are the principle elements for success attainment, and thus, the article makes it clear that the employee needs to enjoy their working environment, and get job satisfaction at the same-time. Therefore, the topic of the article is very important in understanding organization behavior and effectiveness advancement.


The introduction of the article gives a captivating idea of the necessity of job satisfaction and morale in an organization. The introduction, therefore, captures the readers mind and at the same time develops a criticizing picture in the mind of the reader. In addition, the introduction makes it clear what the study was about, and at the same time, how the results of the study will find use in different sectors. Included in the introduction part of the article are the problem statement, and aims and objectives of the study. The problem statement makes it vivid that job satisfaction and morale of employees need development in the organization. This has a backing of employees who look for profits and gains, and forget that their employees have a need. This develops a picture the reader of an existing problem and the reader is anxious of reading the content to find the solutions stipulated to the inherent problem.

On the other hand, the aims and objectives section of the article depicts the driving force to the study, and items expected to find a solution at the end of the study. The objectives and problem statement illustration is very clear, and the reader identifies a need for reading the article, as well as why the article was written quickly. Therefore, the introduction makes the reader understand job satisfaction, need for job satisfaction, purpose of the study, and applicability of the results attained at the end of the study. The introduction further gives a broad picture of the organization need for employee job satisfaction.

Literature review:

The literature review exhibited by the article is very comprehensive and up-to-date. The review has a base on both nineteenth and twentieth scholarly works. In addition, the review pays attention to other research work carried out previously on job satisfaction, and the findings obtained from the same. In this, the author of the article acknowledges other scholarly work on job satisfaction. This includes their findings, how they conducted their research, and their definitions of the terminology job satisfaction.

The literature review elaborates the meaning of the term job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction with regard to organization working environment. Moreover, the review illustrates why organizations should ensure job satisfaction for their employees, and how measurement of job satisfaction occurs in an organization. Exploration of the inherent factors that limit job satisfaction has occurred intensively in the review of the literature. Finally, literature review has identified means that aid in job satisfaction, and drawbacks of dissatisfied job in an organization.


The article presents a research that begun with hypotheses formulation. However, the formulated hypotheses had assumptions attached. The assumption aided in the design of the research methodology for the study. The hypotheses stipulated had a well-based framework that aided in the conducting of the research. The hypotheses variables for the research included organization goals and job roles, organization’s goals and priorities and job satisfaction, and professional goals and job roles.

The hypotheses had expectations that employees will always find job satisfaction in all circumstances in which their employers have values that match their values. A positive correlation was also expected between job satisfaction and professional goals, when the organizations emphasize on professional goals. In addition, a negative correlation was expected between job satisfaction and organization goals, in circumstances in which the organization emphasizes on achievement of its goals. Finally, employees were expected to view achievement of organization goals as unethical, since their major desire is job satisfaction.

Data collection:

Data collection method employed was insufficient to develop a comprehensive conclusion to the current trend of organization behavior. This has the backing of the fact that, the study did not collect its own data for use in the analysis purposes, but it relied on the previous collected data. Other researchers had collected data in the past; therefore, this data lacked an element of depicting the current behavior of organization with regard to employee job satisfaction. However, since the data used had a historical background, that is, the data collection has being occurring since 1971 (Beam 2006), establishment of the trend in the organization behavior towards job satisfaction was possible. The data combined other survey data done on a variety of topics, which include demographic traits exhibited, the roles of journalists, attitude of employees towards the work, the existing political beliefs, and various ethical issues that arise in the working environment. Thus, the data was adequate to develop inference on job satisfaction of employees, and organization goals prioritization purposes.


Job satisfaction was the key dependent variable used in the analysis of the data collected. In order to measure job satisfaction, the posed question to respondents had an element of determining, how satisfied the employee was with the job. This was an effective means of determining job satisfaction among the employees in the organization. Statistical tools, such as hierarchical multiple regression and difference-of-means test found application in the data analysis of the research conducted. The regression analysis independent variables were the responses of respondents collected towards organization goals. The effectiveness of this was established since the respondents had an option of, ranking personal, perception of the importance of organization goals. In order to determine the level of organization emphasize on achieving the goals. The respondents had to rate their personal perception of how the organization owners considered the organization goals. As such, the respondents gave feedback that enhanced the effectiveness of data analysis.

Multiple-regression analyses control variables included the type of media, organization size, ownership of the organization, the level of employee autonomy at work while in the organization, and the frequency in which respondent had received feedback from supervisors. This analysis was comprehensive to warrant attainment of accurate and concise results for the research conducted. The enrichment of data analysis occurred through drawing of tables that enhanced visualization of the inherent correlations among the variables under investigation.


The analysis of results had the element of efficiency and accuracy. This occurred since the results analysis, presentation followed the research questions stipulated, and the hypotheses formulated. The results presentation occurred systematically; thus, the reader can follow them effectively and gather relevant information. However, presentation of the results would have occurred more effectively by drawing graphs. This is due to the fact that, graphs aid in depicting relationships more effectively than tables.

Strengths of the Article:

The article bears strength in that, the idea flow of the aim of the research of influence organization goals prioritization and job satisfaction of employees from the beginning to the end is coherent. The problem statement, aim and objectives, are clearly stated. The methodology adopted in the research is very effective, not forgetting the clearly outlined hypotheses for the research. Data analysis and discussion of results also occurs in a coherent manner. Finally, the adoption of the various statistical tools, such as multiple regressions in the analysis of the data gives strength to the research article.

Weaknesses of the Article:

The article has an inherent limitation of using another data. The research should have incorporated current data in the previous data for a more effective inference depiction. Globalization and technology levels receive dynamics throughout (Harris and Hartman 2002). Therefore, basing analysis on past data alone is not adequate to make a concrete conclusion about the current situation of organization management in all sectors. This is because; the dynamics in globalization and technology influence the management systems of organizations.

Contribution of the Article:

The article is an effective tool that aids in revealing to organization managers that employee job satisfaction needs alignment and balance with the focus in attainment of the organization goals. The article further depicts the necessity of job satisfaction of employees in an organization, and the accrued benefits of job satisfaction for the employees (Griffin and Moorhead 2007). The article, therefore, contributes effectively in the broader knowledge of organization behavior. Despite the fact that, the findings from the article are well known, most of the organization managers find it difficult to create a working environment for their employees, which would aid in achievement of individual job satisfaction for the employees.

Readability of the Article:

The article has well established organization structure that allows flow of the idea from the beginning to the end. The article creates a revelation to managers, and organization behavior practitioner of a silent element that aids in achievement of better results for the organization. The article makes this group decipher how job satisfaction is attainable in an organization, and the benefits of job satisfaction in an organization. Most organization have a tendency of concentrating in goal achievement, and forget that the driving force (employees) have needs that deserve attention. These needs include job satisfaction and morale development among other needs.


The article represents a research that involved investigation of the employees’ job satisfaction status. As such, research has a major contribution in the area of organization behavior and organization advancement strategy. Therefore, the study acts as a revelation to managers of the various organizations of the need of ensuring that employees attain job satisfaction. Nevertheless, the managers need to focus on attaining the organization goals, but this is better aligned with employees’ job satisfaction. This is because, when employees perceive that they have a job satisfaction, their morale and loyalty towards the organization develops effectively.

However, the research had a limitation of inferring the current impact of organization behavior on job satisfaction. Despite the fact that, the research attained a concrete trend of the organization behavior, there was a need of the research depicting the current trends of organization behavior towards the employee job satisfaction endeavors. Although, the research did not adopt graphs in data analysis and presentation, the adoption of other statistical tools in the data collection, analysis, and presentation process presented accuracy in the findings of the research.


Beam, Randal, 2006. Organizational Goals and Priorities and the Job Satisfaction of U.S

Journalists. J & MC Quarterly Vol. 83, No. 1.

Griffin, R, & Moorhead, G, 2007. Organizational Behavior: Managing People and

Organizations. Ninth Edition. South-Western, Cengage Learning.

Harris, O, & Hartman, S, 2002. Organization Behavior. The Second Edition. Binghamton:

The Haworth Press. Inc