Argumentative Essay on whether university students should be forced to attend all the classes
A debate has been brought forward regarding the issue of whether university students should be forced to attend all the classes, or whether attending classes should be optional to the students. Weighing the benefits of attending all the classes and having an option of whether to attend or not, gives the best option in the debate. Emanating from the benefits that attending all the classes has on the students, I would argue that university students should be required to attend classes.
One of the reasons why students should be required to attend classes is because students have the benefit of receiving teacher’s knowledge. Tutors are usually knowledgeable in the specific areas that they teach and this knowledge cannot be replaced by other reading materials that students opt to use rather than attending classes. Whatever is written in the books gives a less practical example than what the teacher teaches in class; the tutor will, in most cases, provide practical examples to match what he is teaching, but books or other reading materials may not. Therefore, attending all classes equips a student with not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical knowledge. Besides, students should be required to attend classes in order to keep focused on the studies. Attendance of classes makes students concentrate on their studies because once in class, they will avoid out of class businesses and activities, thus tune their minds to studies. If classes were optional, it would be exceedingly difficult to keep students focused on their studies since they would irregularly attend classes making it difficult to keep in touch with whatever the lecturer is teaching. Therefore, attending classes makes students focus on studies and keep the students abreast with their career.
A requirement to attend classes encompasses one of the rules established in a university; therefore, attending classes is a show of respect and discipline to an institution’s rules. Hence, attending classes prepares students for their future career in the workplace, where they would be required to attend to work without failure and show respect to the rules of the workplace. Attending classes on time rather than staying in bed late and making studies whenever students want, prepares students for punctuality in their future career. In addition, attending classes gives students an opportunity to interact with others as they discuss topics with the lecturer; through the various viewpoints given by fellow students, students get an opportunity to learn other intelligent thoughts from their friends. Furthermore, students should be required to attend classes since their chief reason of going to university is developing their career; it is remarkably difficult to develop a career by not attending classes since irregular attendance of classes makes students lose focus.
In conclusion, students should be required to attend classes because attending classes help students to gain immense knowledge from the tutor and from fellow students. The tutor has the capacity of giving practical examples, which relate to the subject being taught and students, in class, give different intelligent viewpoints during class discussions, which add to the knowledge of other students. Besides, attending classes is of benefit because attending classes on time prepares students for their future career in the workplace. Therefore, looking at the benefits that attending classes have, individuals that think attending classes, in the university, should be optional are usually misleading.