A Pragmatic Approach to Conducting a Successful Benchmarking Expedition Case of Dubai Holding Group

A Pragmatic Approach to Conducting a Successful Benchmarking Expedition Case of Dubai Holding Group

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Benchmarking expedition/visit- a continuous, systematic procedure for evaluating products, services, and work procedures of organizations that are recognized as representing best practices for the purpose of organizational enhancement- is a key factor towards improving and production of an organization. However, in spite of its significance to the organizations benchmarking is very costly and can lead to poor results or information if not well planned. In order to achieve accurate results, benchmarking ought to be planned for well before, during and after visiting (Simmy & Zairi, 2008).

According to Simmy & Zairi (2008), early preparation is of great importance when planning for benchmarking visit. This has been of immense significance to organizations in United Arab Emirates, specifically Human Appeal International (HAI).

HAI is a charitable, humanitarian, non-governmental organization that was established in 1984 and works in the field of charity. In order to improve its performance and competitiveness, Human Appeal International (HAI) as been using benchmarking as the main tool to improve its performance. It has been using external resources- which are viewed to be the best option compared to internal resources. HAI has been sending officers to visit different countries and bringing back useful information that have seen it rendering high quality services within short time possible and hence being a highly competitive organization across the world (Violino, 2005).

This article- A Pragmatic Approach to Conducting a Successful Benchmarking Expedition Case of Dubai Holding Group- is of great importance to the organizations in United Arab Emirates. This is due to the fact that it will enable them to plan accurately and spend wisely when arranging for benchmarking expedition. It will provide them with a good opportunity on how to plan and collect information when on a benchmarking visit. It will equip them with adequate tool and models to use before, during and after a benchmarking visit (Violino, 2005).

Zairi (2012) stipulates that this is because quite a number of organizations in United Arab Emirates have been finding it difficult to organize their selves in regard to how they can carryout a benchmarking expedition. Thus, after looking at this article, they will in a proper position to and highly equipped on how to make early preparations and planning. It will help them to cut high costs that they have been spending to this crucial activity and maybe collecting incorrect data and information. This article will place all organizations in United Arab Emirates in a good position to compete globally as they will be having easy access to outside resources necessary for their expansion.

After looking at this article- A Pragmatic Approach to Conducting a Successful Benchmarking Expedition Case of Dubai Holding Group- I have learnt that benchmarking visit is one of the most significant factors that can facilitate growth and performance of an organization. Regardless of how easy it may sound or appear; benchmarking visit is a crucial and complicated mission that needs sober and sound mind in order to be successful. It needs proper planning and the use of appropriate models that are well applicable right before, during, and after a benchmarking visit. I have also learned that if not well planned, benchmarking expedition can lead immense losses hence an organization ought to be very careful when planning for it (Zairi, 2012).

In summery, A Pragmatic Approach to Conducting a Successful Benchmarking Expedition Case of Dubai Holding Group is a good article aimed at improving growth and functioning of organizations not only in United Arab Emirates, but also across the world. After looking at it keenly, it is apparent that benchmarking visits are of immense significance if planned or it can lead to enormous losses if not planned for properly. Hence, organizations ought to be keen using benchmarking visits as the means of improving their services. For those looking for new ideas and skills from within and abroad, they should adopt the use of benchmarking visits as it’s a key factor towards success of all kinds in an organization.


Simmy, M. and Zairi, M. (2008). A pragmatic approach to conducting a successful benchmarking expedition: case of Dubai holding group. Retrieved on May, 17th, 2012 from http://eprints.port.ac.uk/2070/

Violino, B. (2005). Benchmarking Takes Root: Before and after you sign on the dotted line, run the benchmarks for your business processes. Retrieved on May, 17th, 2012 from http://www.informationweek.com/news/171202185

Zairi, M. (2012). Effective Management of Benchmarking Projects. Retrieved on May, 17th, 2012 from http://books.google.co.ke/books?id=XYMSUvHlFCUC&pg=PT62&lpg=PT62&dq=Benchmarking+Expedition&source=bl&ots=PEAH-QebV2&sig=wlbNX2Bxz8yXRxnQ76ACRwg3rwA&hl=sw&sa=X&ei=GAIFUPuHC9DBswbbnJnkBg&ved=0CGcQ6AEwCQ#v=onepage&q=Benchmarking%20Expedition&f=false