The importance of literature cannot be gainsaid as far as the intellectual health of the society in the contemporary world is concerned. Literature has been used as a guide to the society, depicting the evils encompassed in a society, as well as outlining the heroic acts of hypothetical role models, all in an effort to encourage, discourage or demystify certain characteristics in the society. In most cases, the characters, who may be villains or heroes embody the characteristics against or for which the author is arguing. These, however, may be masked in other less desirable characteristics. This is the case for Miss Emily in the story “A Rose for Emily”. As much as there are some characteristics of Miss Emily that may be deemed inappropriate, it is worth noting that she typifies the Southern Gothic Heroine.
Gothic fiction refers to a genre of literature that incorporates elements of romance, as well as horror. Miss Emily is in various ways a heroine of the southern gothic especially considering the many things that she did that were thought of as against the will, aspirations and expectations of the society.
The story, narrated via the point of view of a third person outlines the life of Miss Emily, whose funeral is taking place. Evidently, Ms. Emily was a mystery to the town’s citizen as the narrator states that no one has seen the inside of the lady’s house for almost a decade. In essence, the people of this village or town are crowding in this place so as to have a glimpse of the house, simply out of curiosity. The narrator explains that the deceased (Ms. Emily) was grandeur or a chip of the old block in the contemporary world. However, there are some things that set her apart from the other people living in the society. This is especially considering or having in mind that the story is set in a chauvinist society where all people are against the things that she does.
One of the things that set Ms. Emily apart from others as a heroine of the tragic tale is her opposition to the societal views after the death of her father. Two years after her father’s death, neighbors had complained about a foul smell. Law enforcers decided that they would sneak in to the house at night and sprinkle lime. However, Ms. Emily emerges at the window as they are leaving (Faulkner 76). The narrator outlines that this happened just when people were beginning to be sorry for her. The people had in a way become resentful of the Griersons for being too high-handed. When the ladies had gone to call on Emily after her father died, she lied that he was not dead. She only allowed her father to be buried after being threatened with the law and the possibility of application of force. This is seen as standing against the aspirations of the society, which especially revolves around the will of the men in that society. It is worth noting that the key conclusion was that she was merely clinging to the things that she had been robbed of especially pertaining to a married life as her father had not allowed her suitors close to her.
In addition, the sexuality of Miss Emily is threatening to the people in this town. It was used as an embodiment of female sexuality, which according to the imagination of males provided women with incredible power over men, as well as power exclusive of the influence of males. As Margie Burns states, the house was identified with Emily and females in general. The phrases such as coquettish decay and “heavily lightsome” anthropomorphize it and model it into an eyesore just like Emily and suggesting a veiled and threatening sexuality in the two edifices (Faulkner, 187). The sexuality of Miss Emily is outlined in artistic depiction, as well as correlating suppression.
It is also worth noting that the narrator describes Miss Emily as an idol. As much as Miss Emily has committed a foul crime, she is not viewed as a criminal, rather she is a victim of circumstances (Roberts, 65). He father had kept her under restriction, and it is commendable that she outgrows these rules and even goes ahead to date Homer. This is a way of struggling and rebelling against the circumstances that have been imposed on her by the society and especially the men embodied by her father. Scholars note that the envisioning of Miss Emily by the narrator (townspeople) as an idol is a validation of the roles that they have assigned to themselves as providers and protectors. In addition, placing her on the pedestal eliminates the need for them to accept the implications pertaining to the acknowledgement of her humanity, as well as subsequent sexuality. This tendency, however, is broken when she defies her father, the society and the law officers. This is bound to symbolize the breaking of chains by the womenfolk against the domination and definition by men (Roberts, 43).
In addition, the concept of being a heroine may be examined through the evidence and crucial nature of the relic concept. As much as the community would like the readers to see Miss Emily as a horrible murderer, it is unimaginable that she was ever exposed to positive and admirable examples on the manner in which she should live and take part in healthy relationships (Roberts, 56). This is especially considering the restrictions within which the community, as well as her father expected her to function. Pursuance of Homer Barron is the only action that this lady has executed as she only does the things that are expected of her by the society and father. The community thought that Miss Emily would bring their own healing, as she would patch the past to the future and preserve the way of life that every other member has been indoctrinated to preserve. This plan, however, backfires when this woman evolves into a woman who incorporates desires, as well as her will as to act without having to ask for permission from anybody. Emily, therefore, is a representation and demonstration of the subjugation that females or women who live in the post-confederate south experience, in their day to day life. As much as the book does not give a clear and viable plan for the modification of this aspect, it uses the character of Miss Emily as a way of insisting or laying emphasis on the reevaluation of the chauvinism and status quo present in the book (Roberts, 34).
In conclusion, as much as she Miss Emily may have a despicable past, she is an embodiment of the traits that are admirable for a heroine in southern gothic. Emily stands against the law enforces, the society and her farther so as to assert the place of women in society.
Works cited
Roberts, Diane. Faulkner and Southern Womanhood. Athens, Georgia: U of Georgia Press, 1994. Print
Faulkner, William. “A Rose for Miss Emily.” The Seagull Reader. Ed. Joseph Kelly.
New York: Norton, 2001. 73-83.