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Advertising as a communicational and promotional implement has to turn out to be a long path through the generations to become so significant and essential in our current society. The history of advertisement became a major force in capitalist economies in the middle 19th century. Many years ago, before America was colonized, the business thrived in the old world where several means were used to promote trade. Actors strutted in the streets, trying to attract bystanders into auditoria. Notice boards put outside households showed things that could be found within. Individuals selling wine gave free samples in the streets. The advertising idea is ancient, and the ways of persuading others into exchange relations were in its development (Zhang & Ze Gao 17). When it commenced, advertising thrived in the United States to compete with other nations in economic and prevalence significance. Between the years 1919 and 2007, advertising was an average of 2.2 percent of the gross domestic product in the United States. The first US newspaper was printed in 1704 in Boston. The newspaper was known as ‘The Boston Newsletter.’ It had some information about the reward given for catching bandit of a certain male clothing (Moir et al., 60). The period of 1870 and 1900 had a great influence and had a large significance on the US’s advertising progress. After a certain period of time, the US turned out to be an agricultural state with the European scheme of product supply and the support into a big industrial nation with entirely innovative product distribution and promotion methods. As a result, advertising got into a new phase in history. The United States has a long history of growth. However, the largest impact on its current status is due to the economic growth and the development of mass communication technologies.
The advertising industry has undergone a huge transformation ever since antiquity times. Some of the famous ads that have proved to be effective include ‘I want you’ in 1916, ‘Guinness is good for you’ in 1929, ‘Sunkist orange juice’ in 1907, and ‘Coca-Cola the pause that refreshes’ in 1931. In the ‘I want you’ poster that was advertised many years back, an individual in the poster known as Uncle Sam motivated young Americans sent off to combat in World War I. The image of James Montgomery Flagg’s was used as a sketch of uncle Sam. It proved to be so popular that it was printed in the form of a poster that turned out to be ubiquitous at that time. According to records, the corporation printed more than four million copies in one year. The image was used to encourage noncombatant support for the U.S.’s entry into World War I and to encourage men to enlist in the military. Alternatively, the ‘Guinness is good for you’ advertisement was a beloved Irish beer that doctors thought was a healthy drink (Moir et al., 77). They used the tagline to promote the product. Actually, doctors would pour some for new mothers in the maternity some hours after giving birth. ‘Sunkist orange juice’ advertisement also did so well. It was done to rebrand the California orange growers and educate individuals on how to squeeze the juice out of the oranges. It aided them to popularize a new use for the fruit, and these days, the product is an instrumental part of breakfast across the United States.
There are many types of advertisements. All of them run on different channels, different mediums and have various objectives in mind for their corporation. Individuals may advertise anyplace, and the medium keeps changing as time goes. I am going to analyze six different ads and their companies. I will consider them because of the impact they had on the brand’s growth, and they can hit on several worldwide reality that permits us to recall these ads ages after they initially commenced. I will analyze the following ads: Think small by Volkswagen Company, It’s Unbelievable by Toyota motors company, Enjoy the ride by Nissan Company, Official Truck of Real People (Chevrolet company), among others.
The Volkswagen “Think Small” ad was made by a renowned marketing group Bernbach and Doyle Dane. The company created this campaign to answer how to transform an individual’s perception of their product. Back then, people had some fallacies that individuals who have Volkswagens are wicked because Volkswagen is a vehicle corporation formed by the Nazi party (Welch, James, 15). The company’s campaign was that merely because the Nazi Party made the Volkswagen does not signify the Volkswagen Group these days promote the values or ideals of Nazism. The US constantly liked to purchase big, and 15 years after world war II, they were still not purchasing small German vehicles (Welch, James 30). This company has not even attempted to be something there were not, which is what individuals still up to today love about the brand – actuality about their product. Think small ad was one of the greatest advertising campaigns for this company. It was written by Julian Koenig and directed by Helmut Krone. The campaign is ranked as the best advertising campaign of the twentieth century in the survey of North American advertisements. The campaign has been considered best because it makes a lifetime of brand loyalty and boosts sales. For this ad, half of the vehicles sold were white, silver, black, and grey. Black was the leading model among CarMax buyers while white was following.
Toyota has launched the “It’s Unbelievable Campaign” in celebration of 20 years of ground-breaking firsts. To connected first-time and appeal to young buyers, the company made the ad request users modify their dream 2014 Corolla while conversing with their allies in a Google+ Hangout. The campaign comprises a pair of ads and “To the Top,” which costars Team Toyota athlete and Olympic gold medalist Chole Kim (Hibino 122). They made the campaign in the ad that permits individuals to take virtual test drives and schedule real ones. The company advertisement used Post ads to turn a Google+ post into an interactive display ad and promoted that ad with Google AdWords. According to analysis, the ad doubled the time users spent with the new car customization tool and made a fifty percent higher engagement rate than industry averages.
Enjoy the ride was the Ad launched by Nissan company in its effort. It is a $200 million budget that was four times the preceding expense. This ad was made as a brand identity campaign. It was for the spot, and Nissan is known as “Toys.” The model was a boisterous, stop-motion vibrant commercial that included action figure dolls taking a remote control 300ZX for a spin and coming to life (Zhang et al 14). “You Really Got Me” played as the soundtrack for the Ad. The running time was thirty seconds with black and white vehicles. The cars that were promoted in the ad include Jeep’s “Ground Hog Day, Hummer’s “Happy Jack,” Audi’s “Prom, and Honda’s “Cog.”
Chevrolet company posted an ad on a certain Monday on YouTube, which was almost had the same tone as their launching ad. The company aired the Ad, which targets individuals all over but more Hispanic buyers, representing twenty percent on the market. It embraces the spirit of inventiveness in their DNA ever since the commencement, and according to them, it will remain as guidance to every aspect of their corporate moving forward. Their vehicle localization from the satellite imagery had myriad use, according to the ad. The commercial ad campaign stated that the company was driving through many nations with the street view car to bring imagery that promotes buyers’ experience and helps discover the best riding experience. After an imaginative justification evaluation, this company has chosen a newly created corporation, Commonwealth, as its original worldwide advertising firm, in charge of the growth of artistic Ads all over the podiums for Chevrolet worldwide advertising.
Hyundai uses the Ad strategy for ‘Back to the New Normal’ to advertise their products. The corporation uses a combination of first and third-party information to generate six modified parts to influence their target audience: Corporate Finance, Energy, and Fuel Content Readers, Millennials, Experian Mosaic lifestyle groups, Roy Morgan Helix Personas, and entrepreneurs. Majorly, the company has been the official car sponsor of the NFL in the United States since 2015 and the US PGA patron since 2011. In the Ad, Hyundai has introduced a vehicle purchasing experience that Is made to assist car buyers in making their buying process much pleasant and saving time (Shafiulla 49). Lastly, the Mazda company uses an ad called driving matters to reach its targeted audience. Their advertising column is glossy, energetic, and aims to reverse a persistent slump in car and truck sales and elucidate its image. The company all innovative Driving Matters Ad will demonstrate several features that make the driving skill very significant. Through the Ad campaign, clients will get information on why driving matters is a big concern to Mazda and the reason they have concern over each aspect in making their cars
Studying advertising has really given me a different perspective on this profession. From the understanding, I realize that it creates awareness, increases knowledge about marketing, and aids in building a brand campaign. Recognizing the client is very significant for any corporation. Advertising is essential in attracting more customers hence should be promoted at all levels.
Works Cited
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