Alternative Energy
2 A) What is your favorite RE and why?
Solar Power
The most potent energy source is the sun and consequently, solar energy qualifies to be the most favorite renewable energy. Energy from the sun is used in many forms including lighting buildings as well as homes, heating water, electricity generating and also other industrial processes. The sun is also the direct or indirect source of several other renewable energy forms such as wind power which arises from blowing wind that is caused by heat from the sun. Solar energy also promotes vegetation growth which in turn produces biomass energy and also promotes precipitation and evaporation cycles therefore resulting to hydropower.
The most common uses attributed to solar power include cooking, sea water desalination, electricity production and heating. The working of solar power is relatively easy in which case rays from the sun are trapped into solar cells which consequently convert the sunlight to electricity. However, there are alternative approaches to this. Sunlight may be made to strike parabolic mirrors and thereby heating water or passively heating a room by simply opening its windows to allow entry of sunlight. Therefore the use of solar power is relatively easy as compared to other forms of renewable energy (Williams, 2009, 123-145).
The existence of solar power is dependent on the existence of the sun which is definite and therefore it is a guaranteed source of energy. The use of solar power is not associated in any way to air and water pollution since no chemical reaction is required in generating it. The use of solar power is highly efficient and serves practical purposes including lighting as well as heating. Benefits allied to solar power are evident in spas, water tanks as well as heat pools.
2 b) A friend (business, child, or spouse) asks you about RE (Renewable Energy), what would you say?
In most countries, natural gas, coal and oil are considered important sources of energy for domestic and industrial application. However, relying on these sources is a cause of a major problem because these are finite resources and their continued use would lead to a global depletion and the retrieval of the remaining becoming extremely expensive. Furthermore, their contribute significantly to pollution of water, soil as well as air in addition to production of greenhouse gases that is the big contributor to global warming.
Therefore, it is essential to account for renewable resources as alternative to these sources that are non renewable. Dependence on renewable energy will drastically reduce the problems of greenhouse gases emission and their sustainability is guaranteed. Other important reasons justify the importance of implementing renewable sources of energy as is manifested by the Kyoto protocol. The current culture is inclined towards drastic reduction in greenhouse gases emission which is achievable through heavy reliance on renewable energy. The use of renewable energy contribute significantly towards elimination of toxins which are the by-products associated with energy use. They are offer protection against detrimental by-products in addition to facilitating for the preservation of natural resources that may be used as energy sources in the case of absence of renewable sources of energy (Williams, 2009, 123-145).
The use of renewable sources of energy is therefore beneficial to the environment as it offers a clean alternative and reduced impact on the environment as compared to the conventional technologies of energy production. It also offers a channel for job creation and the growth in the economy since investments made in this respect covers the cost of workmanship and materials for facility building and maintenance in contrast to energy importation which is a feature of conventional technologies of energy production.
2 c) An Aunt has given you $20,000 to save the world. What are you going to do?
A choice of any funded project in renewable energy will need the skills behind the crucial role of addressing sustainability concerns associated with the use of renewable energy which is a major concern in the society today. Fossils fuels, which dominate the energy sector, are undergoing depletion coupled with the high level of emissions.
With a funding of $20,000 to save the world, it would be advisable focus on a research and development program on renewable energy alongside allied technological innovations. The information gathered from the research would contribute significantly towards bridging the gap existing between technology and the application of it. The stakeholders in the program should facilitate sharing of information and promote renewable energy application in the most effective way. The players in the program should also create awareness on efficiency measures in the use of energy.
The funds should also be used to sensitize participants in diverse regions about the positive role that renewable energy plays in future development and sustainability. The knowledge require to be disseminated regards the existing options of renewable energy including solar, biomass and wind and their development. Equally important information that the program should cover are the potential challenges affecting implementation of renewable energy, its efficiency and policies behind their implementation. The program should be tailored for an understanding of theoretical understanding as well as the practical applications of renewable energy with particular concern to the rural areas. Participants therefore can be involved in field trips to major installations of renewable energy and attend seminars on the same.
Works cited
Williams, Richard. Solar Energy: Technology and Applications. Ann Arbor, MI: Ann Arbor Science Publishers, 2009.