Case Study on Case 14.1 Can This Virtual Team Work

Case Study on Case 14.1 Can This Virtual Team Work

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To save the teamwork that he leads, Jim has to come up with solutions to solve all the underlying problems. The team lacks sharing of knowledge and skills, collaborative climate, poor passing of information (communication system) and imbalanced work in the tea thus existence of overload amongst workers. The team lacks proper planning, as many projects exist at the same time.

The intervention level should be internal since the challenges originate from the situations existing within the teamwork and its operation. For instance, the problems such as overloading of workers, uncontrolled project works and frequent travelling of the team members. The internal actions would greatly bring changes in the state of the team and thus improved efficiency. Since the leader has to deal with the challenges within the teamwork, he has to employ internal based intervention. The actions are to be task, as he must introduce more employees to prevent overloading of workers. He must also put in place methods of handling message transmission. However, he must also use relational actions to improve the relationship between the members and thus encourage joint works in projects for higher productivity (Teo et al., 2017).

Jim needs to take an immediate action to save the team’s goal and mission. Through a proper planning, Jim will see the need of having specific travel officers to ease the work of current employees. He should specify the employs’ duties for increased productivity. Furthermore, the team leader should get views from the team members on the possible ways of reducing the overloading that currently exists and the, inability to get off the ground. The team leader will tackle the latter through key steps made by the team leader for instance, keeping an eye on and communicating the vision, and keeping every day under control as he tries to achieve the main goal. He should foster unity through face-to-face meetings and having joint projects. The employees need motivation to enhance and improve their workability.


Teo, W. L., Lee, M., & Lim, W. S. (2017). The relational activation of resilience model: How leadership activates resilience in an organizational crisis. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 25(3), 136-147.