Cell Phones Standardization Regulations

Cell Phones Standardization Regulations





Cell Phones Standardization Regulations

It is absurd that a simple device like a cell phone could cause death to people severally without people learning lessons from these incidences. The government should standardize cell phone regulations that discipline drivers on safe driving to protect people’s lives. Banning use of Cell phones while driving is one way to protect countries safeties. The consideration on whether the ban on using cell phone while driving should be implemented, there are two different positions. Cell phone, when a car is in motion, should be made unlawful with exceptions of situation considered emergencies. Cell phones have proven to be a distraction as a human brain concentrates better on one thing at a time. The usage of cell phones when driving gives an individual a slower reaction time, therefore, increasing the number of accidents on the roads. Other people argue that the cell phones tend to cause as much distraction as radio and cell phones are required for emergencies. On the other hand, there is the argument that a law that makes the usage of cell phones illegal when driving will be helpful in reducing the number of accidents on the roads and increase drivers concentration when driving.

The usage of cell phones while driving should be outlawed because they are a source of distraction when driving. It is obvious that an individual brain works better when concentrating on one thing and cannot concurrently function well when doing any tasks (Funk, 2004).  Research shows that the cell phones users when driving are at a greater risk of being involved in serious road accidents. Driving using two hands on the wheel gives a person total concentration, this often encourages safe driving. The aspect proves that human beings are not good at multitasking and, therefore, using cell phones when driving is unsafe.

At the same time, although an individual might believe they can multitask, using cell phones when driving makes a person have a slower reaction time resulting to an accident. Cell phone drivers can be compared to drivers who are under the influence, in that they both experience great impairment and are less responsive when driving (Briem & Hedman, 2005). A significant aspect of being in control when driving is a driver reaction time as immediate reaction is important in the prevention of accidents. Many laws have been put in place to help in the reduction of alcohol related accidents, which, therefore, necessitates attention n establishment of laws to ban usage of cell phones while driving (Funk, 2004).

The law, which bans the usage of cell phones when driving unless in a situation considered emergency, will help in reducing the number of road accidents. It is obvious that the cell phones are an essential need socially unlike in the past where there were no cases of cell phone drivers. In emergency situations, there is a need for cell phones to be allowed but if the call is important a person should first pull over to make a call (Alm & Nilsson, 2005). Other people argue that the usage of cell phones when driving tends to reduce the response times associated with emergency situations. Research shows that over 140,000 emergency calls are placed using cell phone users daily, which makes a good point and need to be considered when outlawing the usage of cell phones when driving (Brookhuis, De Vries & De Waard, 2001). The move is essential as accident rates would remain lower by enacting a ban on cell phone users while driving but still permit emergency phone calls. Although, there are many factors that have not been banned yet such as drinking, eating and talking with other people who are in the car when driving, this should be because not overlooking the ban (Lahood, 2009). Cell phone usage while driving has been a contentious issue for a long time now, which needs to be addressed by enacting a law to ban the common behavior. Cell phones are considered noticeable factor, which can be helpful in reducing the number of road accidents.


The usage of cell phones has proven to be a distraction in terms of concentration when driving resulting road accidents. The human brain functions better when focusing none thing at a time and cannot multitask. Cell phone drivers experience slower reaction time when driving which leads to more accidents in the end. Conversely, the usage of cell phones when a person is driving need to be made illegal with exceptions given to emergency cases. It is obvious by the studies undertaken; the benefits associated with usage of a cell phone when driving do not surpass the risks associated with the behavior. Many lives have been unnecessarily lost as families being torn apart over something that can be easily prevented. There are a number of viable options available that can help reduce these numbers. Since studies show that using a cell phone while driving is equivalent to driving under the influence and they have to be treated as similar crime and liable to be punished by the state law. There should be standardization of regulations regarding cell phone usage while driving across all states. The safety of the states motorists should be regarded as vital as the convenience. Most countries ban mobile texting while driving, however, there no bill that has been passed to eliminates the use of cell phones while driving across all states.


Alm, H., & Nilsson, L. (2005). The effects of a mobile telephone task on driver behaviour in a car following situation. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 27(5), 707-715.

Briem, V., & Hedman, L. R. (2005). Behavioural effects of mobile telephone use during simulated driving. Ergonomics, 38(12), 2536-2562.

Brookhuis, K. A., De Vries, G., & De Waard, D. (2001). The effects of mobile telephoning on

Driving performance. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 23, 309-316.

Funk, J. L. (2004). Mobile disruption: the technologies and applications driving the mobile

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