Change Management and Innovation

Change Management and Innovation: A Review of Qantas Airways Ltd.

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Hallo everyone and welcome to my presentation. In this presentation, I will look at the issue of change management and innovation at Qantas Airways Ltd.

First, I will present background information:

Qantas Airways is a flag carrier in Australia and the nation’s largest airline company by size of fleet, international destinations, and flights. An important landmark for the company is its status in the world as the third oldest airline in operation having begun operations in 1920 (, 2021). The current share price as per Market Index (2021) is at $5.71, a 0.71% increase from July 2021 where share prices averaged at $4.5.

Next, let us see what Change Management and Innovation is in the context of Qantas:

John Kotter’s change management theory is presented by Rajan and Ganesan (2017) as a model that can be used by organizations to facilitate successful change and innovation in organizations. It can be used by Qantas Airways to implement change as the organization intends to readjust and realign its business model to fit to the need to conduct its business more internally as opposed to having international flights.

To deeper understand change, we need to look at the issues at the organization:

The issue of change management and innovation at Qantas Airways highlights the need for organizations to identify and develop strategies to manage shifts in the market including reduced or increased demand. The Kotter’s change management theory presents several steps where urgency is created as a way to alert and motivate employees, establishing need for innovation and change, building a change team, defining the vision, communicating with stakeholders, identification of roadblocks, establishment of goals, and retaining momentum to ensure change is managed (Teixeira, Gregory, & Austin, 2017).

Based on the foregoing, the following are the recommendations:

In terms of change management and innovation, Qantas Airways must make use of a change management model that pays attention to the changes, its effect on both external and internal stakeholders, the vision, the consequences in the market, and device ways to retain the momentum to ensure that change and innovation go hand in hand to ensure success.

To conclude …

Change management and innovation are important elements of an organization. They allow a firm to develop and grow relative to the competition in the industry. Employing effective change management models would help an organization to effectively implement and manage change and disruptive strategies through innovation.

Thank you for your time and attentiveness. I will take any questions you may have.

Reference List

Market Index. (20201). Qantas Airways Ltd (QAN). Available at (2021). About Us. Available at

Rajan, R., & Ganesan, R. (2017). A critical analysis of John P. Kotter’s change management framework. Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management, 7(7), 181-203.

Teixeira, B., Gregory, P. A., & Austin, Z. (2017). How are pharmacists in Ontario adapting to practice change? Results of a qualitative analysis using Kotter’s change management model. Canadian Pharmacists Journal/Revue des Pharmaciens du Canada, 150(3), 198-205.