Chapter 13 Reducing Mass Incarcerations in Texas

Chapter 13: Reducing Mass Incarcerations in Texas

Mass incarceration has been a major problem not only to the State of Texas but also to other major states across the United States. As a result, there is a need to address this issue to help reduce the population of people under incarceration as well as the costs of maintaining the imprisoned people. The State of Texas needs to mobilize the policymakers to enact reforms targeting the main drivers to the high incarceration rates.

One of the reforms includes the decriminalization of certain activities and reclassifying certain low-level felonies (Rosen). There has been mass incarceration that has been as a result of small crimes such as possession of certain drugs like marijuana. The lawmakers need to look to measures aimed at reducing or even eliminate the criminal penalties for such crimes, and this will significantly reduce the number of incarcerated individuals while at the same time protecting the population.

Another consideration is the expansion of the use of alternatives to prison for non-violent crimes and as well divert people with mental health or substance problems away from the criminal justice system altogether (Engel et al.), and this will greatly help in easing the congestion at the prisons. Another alternative that could be considered includes adopting community service for minor offenders. The policymakers should also aim at reducing the length of the prison terms as well as the parole and probation periods. By doing this, a room will be created for new offenders, and therefore, the government will have eased the congestion in the prisons.

Finally, the policymakers should restrict the use of prison for the technical violations of parole and probations (Pompoco et al.). There are many people who have been imprisoned for the violation of the parole requirements, and this has contributed to the rise of the number of prisoners. The policymakers should come up with measures to restrict this trend from happening in the future.

Works Cited

Engel, Robin S., et al. “Alternatives to Arrest.” The Power to Arrest. Springer, Cham, 2019. 75-122.

Pompoco, Amanda, et al. “Reducing inmate misconduct and prison returns with facility education programs.” Criminology & Public Policy 16.2 (2017): 515-547.

Rosen, Alana E. “High time for criminal justice reform: Marijuana expungement statutes in states with legalized or decriminalized marijuana laws.” Available at SSRN 3327533 (2019).