Chapter 6; Topic 3

Chapter 6; Topic 3

Basic Concepts of the TPC algorithm

An RF group leader maintains a database of the list of neighbors that each AP overhears. Since the TPC algorithm runs on the RF group leader, it is capable of computing the impact that each AP has on its neighbors. The group leader searches the neighbor list for the AP and the respective RSSI values to determine the reception strength of one AP. The TPC algorithm can then configure a lower transmission power level if an APs reception strength is too strong in other AP cells. If the reception strength is too weak, the TPC algorithm appropriately raises the AP’s power level transmission.

Basic Concepts of the TPC algorithm, Internet source is essential to choose an operating channel for an AP with the best Signal To Noise Ratio. TPC and DCA work hand in hand to manage the RF in the environment. The TPC has to Maximize the AP’s coverage and minimize its interference potential. The TPC also uses the TX neighbor and RF Neighbor lists generated by the NDP process. It means that the TPC will adjust the Tx power up or down to meet the required coverage level indicated by the TPC Threshold. TPC is a global algorithm that runs on the RF group leader and can be configured in RF profiles for groups of AP’s in an AP group.