Chapter 8 Reflection
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Chapter 8 Reflection
In this week after going through week 9 and chapter 8 of the course I have learnt a lot especially with regards to labeling and deviance. There is a lot of information regarding how different people are labeled as having some acts which do not agree to eh conventional way of doing things and this is a very important part of any society. The most important thing about labeling is that a community or a society is able to label and give a name to an actor who does something against the society. The major role of labeling is trying to make sure that everyone does what the society needs and what allows them to fit into the society. If a person takes the items of others without permission the person is labeled as a thief and that affects him or her. However it is not meant to make the person uncomfortable but to protect the social constructions within the society.
Williams III, F.P., & McShane, M.D. (2018). Criminological theory (7th ed.). New York: Pearson.