Chapter 9 The Egyptians and the Mayans had some of the most elaborate rituals when it came to the burials of their kings





Chapter 9

The Egyptians and the Mayans had some of the most elaborate rituals when it came to the burials of their kings. The Egyptians preserved their pharaohs in elaborate tombs enclosed in ornate tombs that still attract tourists to this day. The Mayans, though less detailed, still had some remarkable traditions surrounding the burial of their kings. The tow kingdoms existed at different periods and in different places, but there are several reasons why they share similarities in the burial rites. These include the high esteem with which they held their kings and rulers and a shared belief in life after death.

Kings and rulers were held in high esteem by the people over whom they ruled. The Egyptians believed that their Pharaohs were wise men close to the gods. The kings were therefore highly respected, and this is shown in their burial place and the rituals surrounding their death. Their coffins were made of wood and gold, to show that their kings were just as precious in life as in death. The Egyptians also took care to bury their kings to maintain a connection with the goods such as Ra, the god of the sun. The Mayans shared similar beliefs in the elaborate tombs built for their kings and the shrines on top of the pyramids. The kings would still hold a special place in their kingdom even after death.

The second reason why the Mayans and Egyptians had similar burial rituals is that they believed in life after death. Egyptian Pharaohs were mummified, which kept their bodies intact for many years. It was thought that the spirit lived on after death and needed to get back to the body for rest. The Mayans allowed their kings to decompose, but the bones were later sprinkled with mercury oxide. Such after death rituals show a belief in life after death. The pyramids of both Mayans and Egyptians contained everyday objects and paintings, an indication of the continuity of life after death.