Chapter one and chapter nineteen passages of the Quran talk

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Chapter one and chapter nineteen passages of the Quran talk about the mercies and rewards of Allah on those who have faith in him. The passages also focus on the wrath and punishment that befalls believers who reject, ignore or ridicule the message conveyed to them by His prophet. Allah is portrayed as merciful and Compassionate. Allah listens to the prayer of Zacharia, who pleads with Him to grant him an heir. Allah sent his Angel to Zacharia to tell him that his barren wife would bear a son called John. In addition, these passages also show that Allah is powerful through the miracles he performed. Through His power, Mary got pregnant and bore a child called Jesus.

Islam is a very interesting religion. Its believers rely on the teachings of the prophet sent by Allah for guidance in their daily lives. They believe that living a righteous life, submitting wholly to Allah through acts of peace, and praying to Allah at least five times a day puts them right with Him on judgment day. Allah is portrayed as the judge of good and evil, and the believers strive to live a life on earth that is pleasing to Him. This religion value the relationship between Allah and His people, their destiny, and the afterlife promised by their Creator. The adherents of the Islamic religion also believe that God is the Creator of the universe and is unique to His creation.

Chapter one and chapter nineteen recitation of the Quran carries the message of love, faith, and true worship. The recitations also show that Allah sends his prophets to the world to convey His message to His people. The prophets sent by Allah manifest themselves in human form, such that they interact and deliver the message of Allah to the people through verbal and practical teachings. Every Muslim is expected to recite the teachings of the Quran as a prayer offering to Allah. The recitation is systematic, easy to read and remember, making it easy for the adherents of the Muslim religion to master and achieve uniformity in their gatherings. Furthermore, the recitation is guided by a sheik, who is the designated congregation leader. He guides the people on the prayers to be recited next and the practices that follow. These recitations bring Muslims together and draw them closer to their Creator.

Going through the Chapter one and chapter nineteen of the Quran has been educative and impactful for me. I have learned that the Islamic culture preaches peace and unity among its adherents. They believe helping one another is one of the ways of pleasing Allah hence gaining mercies and favor from Him. My perspective of the Muslim culture has also changed after reading the Quran. Unlike the negative narratives propagated by stereotypes in society, Muslims are kind, loving, and accommodative people. Reading these chapters has been an eye-opener for me and has enabled me to appreciate and embrace the Muslim culture more. Moving forward, I intend to read more chapters of the Quran and learn more about the religion.