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Characteristics phases of development of pre-historical humanity according to western civilizations by Joshua Cole and carol SymesPre-history refers to the period when human first appeared and invention of writing. This period has being characterized with limited sources of information as there were no formal ways through which information could have been stored except through the use of myths.
During the Paleolithic era, the main characteristics of this phase were the invention of fire by the Hominids who lived during this era. The human societies of this era were able to benefit from fire in a variety of ways including using it to harden tool tips, for hunting purposes, used the fire to made jewelry from metals, keeping themselves warm during cold nights and scaring away dangerous wild animals.
During this period, western civilizations were also characterized by cultures such as painting on wall caves and the burying of dead people in unique graves. During the burial ceremonies, the deceased were buried with objects that were meaningful to the life they lived including instruments such as horns, flowers and jewelry. At the end of Paleolithic era, the western civilization was characterized by finely crafted small tools that were developed by humans to aid in various activities such as fishing and hunting. Some of the finely crafted tools at this stage included fishhooks, wooden and bone sewing needles and arrow heads.
The Neolithic era began at around 11,000 B.C.E when there was rapid climate change and the human populations had become significantly huge. As the natural sources of food diminished, humans started looked for stable sources of food leading to the development of manageable food productions. Humans began domesticating animals and crops leading to a settled lifestyle as the need for hunting for food were eliminated. As people adopted a settled lifestyle, populations grew rapidly and specialization and division of labor became entrenched in societies. There was an emergence of status and rank in societies as a distinction developed between the rich and the poor.