Charismatic Worship and feminism

Charismatic Worship and feminism

The term ‘Charismatic’ comes from the Greek word which means ‘gift’. Thus in Christianity, Charismatic worship means the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Worship is adoration and it is considered that it brings the people near to God. There are some common practices which is adopted by most of the all Christian churches like bible reading, importance of Sunday’s prayer in church, a collection or offering, music with or without instrument, teaching in the form of sermon etc. In the Christian church, charismatic worship are those actions that shows uninhibited joy in the practice of faith in the Christian. It includes speaking in tongue, clapping, raising hands and formal ways of prayer etc. As according to the Christians, charismatic worship means worship God in terms of in Holy Spirit and in truth. Every Christian should do prayer and worship to God because this is the only way to enter in the heaven and they can do worship as they want. In fact, they have to worship as He has commanded through Jesus and Bible.

In Christianity, feminism is a very important aspect of feminist theology which means that all women has equal rights like a man. It sends a message to the society that we can discriminate the people on the basis of their biological gender and races. Every person whether he or she is equal and should get the equal rights in terms of morally, socially, spiritually and in leadership also. In fact, Christian feminist has strong believed that contribution of woman is not only necessary but important also for the complete understanding of the chirstanity.