
Children’s Hospital Of The Kings Daughters



Thesis statement

The use of technology has had several impacts on the practice of healthcare. This statement is confirmed by the Children’s hospital of the Kings Daughters which have used the technology overtime to revolutionize the manner by which they offer their services to the children

The impacts have been felt on different fronts such as in the management of the employees, the organizational structure and the general ways of operations of the organization. This is seen in the services that are being provided and the manner and nature of the services. Technology has indeed contributed much in the revolutionizing the operations of the company in general (Burns 2009).

This presentation is aimed at breaking down the different aspects of the contribution of technology in the healthcare facility while at the same time taking into consideration the functions of the hospital prior to the introduction of the technology and after the technological introduction.

Introduction and abstract

Hospital was established in 1962

It deals mainly with children as clients

Had a total of 90 employees when formed

Dr. Melissa become the first director in 1962.

The Kings Daughter Hospital was established in the year 1961. Currently, it has been renovated and expanded and currently, it is one of the hospitals that currently provide extensive medical care to the children alone. They do this to all the children coming from different backgrounds. They do this without taking into consideration the ability of the families to make the necessary payments for the services that have been offered to them. The first children to ever get admitted to the hospital happened in 1961.

During that time, the hospital had a total of 90 employees. In the year 1962 William Selvey, the administrator of the hospital, and The King’s Daughter became accreditation by the Joint Commission. During that particular time, Dr. Melissa Warfield became the director of the hospital in charge of medical affairs and also acted as a physician in full-time basis. Currently, CHKD has had an increase in capacity from 88 beds to approximately 206 beds. The number of employees has also increased to 31000 employees.

This is the original image of the location of the hospital when it begun its operations. During this time, the amount of staff who were involved here were very few. It also offered very few services to the children. The number of the inpatient during this particular time was very low as compared to the current number. Here, although there was a use of technology, it was not done to a greater extent (Menon 2006).

This is partly attributed to the low number of staff and clients. The hospital at this time did not have a very comprehensive management structure due to the small size and operation base. The hospital also relied on some traditional methods of storing the information about their clients. They had no well coordinated ambulance system and emergency control system. They however concentrated much in the provision of their services to children alone especially those who could not get the services due to low income.

The structure represents the new building of the health facility. This clearly proves the changes that have been experienced by the health facility over time. It offers different services to the children coming from different backgrounds. As it stands, it has a high number of client base who depends on the services that they provide on a large scale. This is the main center where the administrators are also housed. It is here that most of the referrals are done and handled.

The hospital in its current state has a number of ultramodern facilities hence it offers different types of services to the clients who are in need of the services. The expansion in the facility has been attributed to the good management and continuous flow of loyal clients. Much of it has also been as a result of the efforts of the donors who have funded the different projects that have been initiated by the facility.

Impact of technology on delivery of healthcare services

Mainly positive

Improved the quality of life

Increase in the amount of dollars paid to government

Examples include the X-rays and the ultra sound.

Technology has to a greater extent impacted much on how the healthcare services are being delivered. It has had a lot of positive impacts on the delivery of these services. Some of the impacts include the following: the medical technology is indeed indispensable to the health of people and also improved their quality of life. It has also contributed to numerous amounts of dollars to the general economy of the country (DIANE Publishing n.d ).

There are some other greatest benefits that are brought by innovative technology to the healthcare provision when it comes to issues of the healthcare. The healthcare facility embraced the technological changes and hence improved the nature and quality of the healthcare service that they offer to the different members of the public. Some of them include the use of the x- rays and the ultrasound in detection of different problems that affecting the children as their clients.


Increase in the imaging technology.

High demand of the MRI technologists and also the radiologists.

It has also fastened the way monitoring of patients.

One of the cases is the adoption of an electronic way of keeping the healthcare the increase n the imaging technology and the subsequently high demand have led to an increase in the demand for the radiologists and the MRI technologists. There are minimum invasive surgeries particularly in the cardiovascular and the thoracic surgeries are common in the recent years. There are developments of the better instruments and technologies have made surgeons in the hospitals to perform surgeries in ways that are minimally invasive (Menon 2006). This was not the case a few years ago.

The imaging technology has also fastened the way that the patients are able to be monitored. The monitoring takes a short period of time to reveal all the parts of the body that have been affected by the disease. This was an important milestone in dealing with different types of diseases which affect the children in different parts of the United States where the facility is located.

The picture shows an example of the use of technology in offering of medical services to different groups of patients. In it, a physician is seen directing the patient into the MRI machine. The machine has made it easier for the physicians to fully scan the body and to find out the general problems that are found in the whole body.

It has made the work simpler since the physician is in a position to effectively locate all the affected parts in the body of the patient using a computerized system. This makes it easier and faster for them to locate and subsequently diagnose the patient in an effective manner. This is one of the clear ways and evidences that technology have impacted in a positive way on the provision of the heath care services to the members of the public.

Keyboard and Stethoscope

The figure shows a picture of stethoscope and the keyboard. This is an attempt to give an explanation of the relationship between the work of the doctors and the technology. it shows that doctors can use the technology to represent the work that they are doing. The doctor has the ability of using the laptop to get information about the field that he or she is practicing.

They are also able to use the same avenue in reaching out to other different patients and to attend to their needs. The photo also shows how the use of the keyboard have revolutionized the operation of the healthcare facility since the employees are in a position to provide their services even beyond the organization through the use of Internet among other means. This is a clear proof of the revolution in actions and practice. The physicians have adapted to the change, and the change is benefitting them.

Impact on the employee performance

Ease the work of employees

Workers Identification

Ease of communication

Ease of sharing in the field of medicine.

The uses of technology have had a major impact on the performance of the employees in the healthcare organization. The use of technology has made the work of the employees to be easier. Technology has made it easy to manage the employees. Through the use of the electronic identification, it is usually easy to identify the employees who have arrived at the work place and their arrival time (Flary 2014). This has contributed much in ensuring that the employees are effectively monitored in the work places. The use of the technology has also ease communication between different groups of employees. The communication is usually in from of mails and telephone communication. This has made it easier to coordinate different services such as the calling of the ambulances when coordinating rescue and getting of the patients from their homes to the hospital facilities.

Different physicians can also be called in to attend to different situations easily by the use of the improved technology. This has made the works of the healthcare officers of providing and saving lives to be done easily and in an effective manner.

Made provision of services to many people

Publishing of the blogs and different platforms

Provided the different healthcare services to the entire population

Communicate with different groups of people.

Technology has also made it easier for the employees to provide their services to provide their services to different groups of individuals across the globe. Through the use of blogs and different other platforms, doctors have been in a position to publish different articles that relate to different groups of illnesses. They have also documented different actions that a person should take should they have the symptoms that have been described.

In this manner, they are able to extend their services beyond the hospital (Burns 2009). Technology has also made it easy for the employees to learn and get more information online. They are able to communicate with other groups of employees in the same field. The communication is made easy due to the fact that different physicians are able to share their experience and expertise to different groups of doctors after which, they will be able to learn from each other on the challenges that they face and how they handle their success.

Building of the capability and capacity

Improvement in the level of performance

Positive impact on the employees

Improved quality of services

In this manner, their capacity and capability are built to a greater extent hence improvement in their level of performance. In general, research has proved that the use of technology in the places of work have had many positive impacts which include the reduction in the stress on the side of the employees (Burns 2009).

It also has to a greater extent increased the level of the satisfaction of the employees. The satisfaction has gone to a greater extent in increasing the quality of the services that are offered to the patients. It has also led to a reduction in the general costs of the provision of the healthcare services to the clients.

The impact of technology on the organizational structure

Smooth the work of employees

Keep the operations to run fully and effectively

Upgrade increases the productivity within the healthcare facility.

The needs of the technology have assisted much in the structure of the organization. They usually come in handy to assist in smoothing the work. The technology is usually used on the daily operations Beyond the laptops that are found in the office and also the smart phone, the organizations implement information systems, there is also the custom software or even the specialized technology equipment aimed at keeping the operations to run smoothly.

The advancement of time have also done much in decreasing the time that is needed to complete a specific task or even in some instances eliminate the need for job satisfaction and the business process. Upgrade in technology is always aimed at increasing the productivity within the healthcare facility. This is the main reason why the adoption of the technology by the hospital not only increased the amount of patients that are being covered, but also reduce the time taken in doing so.

The structure

Improved efficiency of the health care facilities

Restructuring and modifying the departments

Expansion of different departments

The progression in the computers and the technology has improved the efficiency of the health care facility. The organizational structure need to adapt to the changes by restructuring of the different departments, modifying the requirements of the positions or even adding and removing of the jobs. The employees had to be trained on the new software programs or equipments as a requirement of the job (Flary 2014).

The facility had to expand the different departments so as to meet the needs of the growing employees and the client base. Different other branches needed to be fully managed effectively. There was also need to have a system where all the data could be stored and be retrieved in any of the branches of the healthcare facility. The facility also developed a website where they are able to provide all the needed information about the services that they offer to the members of the public.

This is another clear way that the hospital is utilizing technology to communicate to different groups of people. They use the avenues such as the facebook to try and reach their different groups of clients so as to educate them on the different causes of the diseases and how to find the best cure for the diseases. They also give advice on the different practices that when adopted can be used in the prevention or even the subsequent cure of those diseases.

A good example is the one above which shows a child with some bites that have been caused by the bugs. They also give advice on the best ways that the children and the parents can use in preventing such cases from happening. This is a clear proof of how the use of technology has revolutionized the delivery of the healthcare services to different members of the public.

Effect of technology on the management planning

Improved management

Data collection has been ease from both the internal and external sources.

It is easy to store the data in a warehouse

Collaboration tools make the managers work efficiently.

The accuracy of the management in planning can be improved by the use of the technology. This does so by helping the managers in the provision of the data that is necessary for making of the decisions which are effective. Technology has the ability to collect data from both the external and the internal sources, store them in a warehouse. They are able to provide the managers with the access to the data through a network.

The collaboration tools are also able to make the managers work together in planning the operations and also to make joint decisions. This has made their work to be easier. The decisions which they also come up with tend to be very accurate as they rely on data which is readily available to them. in this manner, the technology does much in easing the work of the managers in the health care facility.

The Data

High amount of data is available

Gathering of data has also been made easy

The gathered data can also be easily analyzed.

The availability of the high amount of data on the patients, different diseases, the prevention measures, the client base are among the key vital issues of the technology management planning. The information technology has made it easier for the collection of all the needed information about the different practices in medicine. In this regard, all the operations of the healthcare facility have been made easier.

The technology has made it easier to gather information from the other branches of the hospital and also other healthcare facilities on the different trends that exist in the field of medicine and general health of the children. This is a key step in the whole process of providing better medical services to the different groups of clients. The management also has the ability to analyze different trends and market research. This has ensures that every decision that they make is based on facts.


Fasten integration.

EPR has easily integrated individualized computers in the organization.

Tracking and planning for the information has also been made easy.

There are many software that have done much in integration of the different computer systems. An example is the ERP that is the software for the Enterprise Resource Planning has the ability to integrate the individualized systems of computers in the organizations. This integration makes it easier, faster and simpler. It also ease the transfer of information between different computers. The integration has also made it easier for the location and subsequent distribution of the information across a large scale area.

The system is also able to effectively track and plan the fulfillment of the inquires that have been made by the customers. it has also fastened how their needs are being attended to. Managers are also able to view all the processes and the progresses in the manner by which the services are being delivered to the clients through the use of the ERP software among other software.


Storage of data is easy

There are other internet providers that can assist in storage of data.

It is easy to retrieve the data.

It is usually a big problem when it comes to the storage of the different amount of data. This can be attributed to the fact that the data can be large in number hence cumbersome to store. There can also be some data which when stored in a manual manner, can make it difficult to locate and also share across different branches. The use of some things such as the cloud storage in supplementing the facilities. The storage is usually a pay as you go which provides solution that are able to assist in the storage of data in servers which are massive and have service providers that are independent (Geisler 2015).

The IT teams of the organization can always have the ability to access the data aver an internet connection that decrease and increases the total amount of storage that is used in storing the data. This approach is very flexible and it only means that the amount of the planning data provided to the managers is increased without necessarily putting a lot of investments on the storage capacity.


Easy access to data

Data availability to those in the organization

Ease in communication such as videoconferencing

Planning for future human resource.

The networks for communications have enabled the managers in the organization to have access to and share some data. The contribution of the technology is to remove the silos of the information that was previously available to only those people who are found in one particular department. It is also very easy for the managers to use things such as the collaboration tools as the internet forums and videoconferencing in the sharing of data and in carrying out of joint planning exercises (DIANE Publishing n.d ). This has eased the rate of communication. it has also saved a lot of time that is used in communication. It has also helped the managers in planning for the future human resource that is needed for the organization. This ensures that there is proper planning on the people who are to be outsourced as the employees of the organization. This saves the time and finances that are involved in future planning.


Technology has had a lot of positive impact on the delivery of the healthcare to the Children’s hospital of the King’s daughters. This is evident in the following:

Improved quality of services

Better coordination

Reduced amount of stress of work among the employees

The integration and the subsequent use of the technology have had a lot of the positive impacts on different groups of employees and the managers. They have experienced many instances such as the reduced stress at the work force; there is also ability of coordination between different employees. Management has also been made easy due to the ease of controlling and managing of the workforce (Geisler 2015).

There are also some software and technology that have been developed with the aim of making the works of the healthcare providers easy. An example of the situation is in the case of the use of x-rays among other computerized systems in the process of identification of the diseases and provision of the necessary medical services to the children at an affordable rate. This in fact goes hand in hand with the aim of the hospital of providing better healthcare to children irrespective of their financial ability.


Geisler E (2015) Technology, Health Care, and Management in the Hospital of the Future

Greenwood Publishing Group.

Flary D (2014) Reengineering Nursing and Health Care: The Handbook for Organizational

Transformation Jones & Bartlett Learning

Menon N (2006) The Impact of Information Technology: Evidence from the Healthcare Industry

Taylor & Francis

DIANE Publishing ( n.d )Medical technology and costs of the Medicare program.

DIANE Publishing

Burns E (2009) Pediatric Primary Care Elsevier Health Sciences