Chill Out

Chill Out


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TOC o “1-3” h z u TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGEREF _Toc104405435 h 2Executive Summary PAGEREF _Toc104405436 h 3I. THE INDUSTRY PAGEREF _Toc104405437 h 3II. THE COMPANY, CONCEPT AND PRODUCT(S) OR SERVICE(S) PAGEREF _Toc104405438 h 4A.Vision PAGEREF _Toc104405439 h 4B.Mission PAGEREF _Toc104405440 h 4C.Company Product and Services PAGEREF _Toc104405441 h 5III. MARKET ANALYSIS PAGEREF _Toc104405442 h 5A.Market Segmentation and Target Market PAGEREF _Toc104405443 h 5B.Competitor Analysis PAGEREF _Toc104405444 h 6C.SWOT Analysis PAGEREF _Toc104405445 h 6D.Survey One Results PAGEREF _Toc104405446 h 7E.Survey Two PAGEREF _Toc104405447 h 9IV. THE ECONOMICS OF THE BUSINESS PAGEREF _Toc104405448 h 16A.Cash Flow PAGEREF _Toc104405449 h 16V. THE MARKETING PLAN PAGEREF _Toc104405450 h 16VI. MANAGEMENT TEAM PAGEREF _Toc104405451 h 17VII Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc104405452 h 18

Executive SummaryChill Out is an online application which aims to book vacations, trucks and activities to nature and compounds, Chill Out is described as in industry lingo and emphasis on offering a wonderful experience for today’s youthful, contemporary Adults, Chill Out is the perfect one-stop service to spend vacation in the farm and compounds. With an emphasis on groups of fifteen and twenty, persons aged twenty five and forty, Chill Out offers high-end vacations for them.

The application depends heavily on third parties such as banks to receive payments, and depends on software engineering to always keep the application up-to-date.

The mission is to become the number one provider for nature vacation group activities in Kuwait. Such business activity was not implemented previously in Kuwait. Chill Out’s core product is a unique Experience in major Kuwait farms and compounds which it will present to its consumers. Accommodation, transportation, entertainment, and activities all form part of the Experience. Tours created by Chill Out will concentrate on certain events taking place in compounds and farms resulting in a unique experience. Customer service and professionalism are two of the most significant considerations in deciding which providers to engage with. In order to retain the reputation of Chill Out, each application is rigorously verified. This research will utilize the vacation cycle to showcase Chill Out’s service and product offerings to its customers.

I. THE INDUSTRYAs Internet and smartphone penetration rates rise, adults are increasingly turning to these mediums for information, ideas, and purchases. The website is vital in order to aid these customers and it is the foundation of our business model, enabling customers with similar interests to connect and share their unique travel experiences.

Many companies in the field of providing vacations has altered its business strategy to closely resemble aspects of the holiday cycle in order to set itself apart from well-established competitors.

In this structure, there are five steps: inspiration, research, booking, and the actual event. The new technique, on the other hand, is more comprehensive and focused on making money while on vacation at every step of the route.

II. THE COMPANY, CONCEPT AND PRODUCT(S) OR SERVICE(S)For today’s youthful, contemporary consumers looking for an unforgettable experience, Chill Out is the perfect one-stop service. Chill Out is an online premium tour provider. Chill Out specializes in organizing vacations of fifteen to twenty persons between the ages of twenty five and forty four.

Adults are increasingly turning to the Internet and mobile devices for information, ideas, and purchases as Internet and mobile penetration rates climb. In order to help these clients, Chill Out’s website is essential. Chill Out’s website serves as the cornerstone of our business concept, allowing like-minded consumers to enjoy and share extraordinary experiences.

With the resources and capacity to negotiate lower costs needed by the group-buying approach, established concepts like Chill Out have an advantage over start-ups. In order to distinguish itself from well-established rivals Chill Out has modified its business model to closely mimic elements of the vacation cycle.

In this framework, there are five steps: inspiration, research, booking, and the actual event itself. For another way of putting it, the new Chill Out method is more complete and focuses on earning income via an overall better vacation experience at each stage of the process.

One of Chill Out’s main aims during the inspiration phase is to dominate SEO. Search engine optimization is the go-to research tool for vacationers. When it comes to planning a vacation, Chill Out has a unique edge over other brokers.

When it comes to connecting people throughout the world via Chill Out, our goal is to become the world’s top application of such possibilities. Chill Out is hoping to establish a long-term strategic business strategy focused on exploiting technology’s potential.

VisionSuccess will be measured by our ability to attract, retain, connect, and inspire a diverse group of people who share our enthusiasm for vacations.

MissionA lot of companies try to market themselves as green conscious, while doing the same thing they’ve always done, but in a more positive light.

Chill’s Out mission is to deliver on its promise of eco-friendly and sustainable experiences. We will not compromise our responsibilities as entertainment stewards in our quest for financial success. Our clients will help us achieve our mutual goal of success as a consequence of our decision. As part of our dedication to entertainment preservation and restoration, our visitors will be the ones to carry out this vital job on all of our vacations.

Company Product and ServicesChill Out’s primary service is a one-of-a-kind natural experience in Kuwait for its clients. The experience includes everything from lodging, transportation, entertainment, and nature activities. Chill Out’s tours will concentrate on certain events that the housing and other activities may support, culminating in a one-of-a-kind vacation. In order to accomplish the journey, Chill Out will have to work with a variety of different providers. When selecting providers to engage with, excellent customer service and professionalism are two of the most critical considerations. To keep the reputation of Chill Out intact, each provider is properly screened.

Inspirational Phase: It is easy to find Chill Out via an internet search, and the adventure starts immediately. To entice customers to try Chill Out, we’ve created a premium, one-of-a-kind experience. To capture the most authentic and thrilling journey experiences possible, high-definition movies and motivating music will be utilized.

Research Phase: Chill Out can provide information and data to individuals in need. To ensure that you don’t miss out on anything, we’ll keep you updated on the latest weather forecasts and currency rates.

Booking: Chill Out will lay out all of the costs for the vacation in clear English for the customer’s convenience. Consumers may use the website to confirm their vacation in a secure, swift, and reliable online shopping cart.

Experience: Starting with an online visit, consumers may express their opinions before embarking on the vacation, throughout the tour, and even after they’ve returned home.


Market Segmentation and Target MarketChill Out’s potential clients are categorized in this area. For this study, we began by mapping the cities in Kuwait with the greatest overnight consumers based on prior data. Chill Out’s target demographic for customer falls within an age range between eighteen and forty four years old. We were able to estimate the number of customers in this category by using fixed broadband pricing as an additional criterion. It was also used to estimate how many individuals are likely to book vacations online using mobile devices based on dual access subscriptions. For the first three years, Chill Out intends to focus its efforts only on the market. The criteria to segment the market are based on several factors:

Age Range: Unique experiences are at the heart of Chill Out’s mission to connect people. Dual Access Subscriber and Mobile Only Segments: In order to contact Chill Out’s target market online, the firm need Internet connectivity. There are now two more classifications to help distinguish the next generation of mobile Internet users. Mobile and fixed broadband subscribers are the only ones eligible.

Price Sensitive: These are the people Chill Out intends to target since they have the least concern about cost and the most money to spend on the kinds of experiences the company hopes to provide.

Competitor AnalysisAt the moment, there isn’t a lot of competition in this field.

Shalihna: Internet-based merchants are included in this group of businesses. In order to provide visitors with tailor-made holiday packages, it has a network of cutting-edge companies, each with a staff of experienced consultants. Shalihna is a well known platform which offers similar services in which customers may book vacation packages from which are represented by a global network of offices and agents.

Shaleh Weekend: This firm may help consumers save money on a holiday. Those who are members of Shaleh Weekend are required to take advantage of their deals and offers regardless of whether or not they are members of this company. These sites do thorough research before suggesting venues to their consumers in order to ensure the quality of their products. Rivalry has never been a problem in this field.

SWOT AnalysisStrength: Introducing new concept in Kuwait throughout linking small business with customers to enjoy their holiday in farms or Kashta

Weakness: Introducing such concept will require heavy investment in marketing and awareness campaigns

Opportunities: Since this is a new concept, a high percentage of Kuwaiti people will be attracted and by that high revenues are expected.

Threats: Continuous application updates should be done to eliminate any error.

Survey One Results  Male 36.67%

Female 63.33%

Based on the above table, it can be noticed that 36.67% of the respondents are Males whereas 63.33% are females.

18-25 46.67%

26-35 33.33%

36 and above 20.00%

Referring to the above table, it can be noticed that 46.67% of the respondents aged between 18 years old to 25 years old, and 33.33% aged between 26 years and 35 years old whereas 20% aged 36 years old and above.


200-800 40.00%

1000-1900 36.67%

2000-2700 20.00%

3000 and above 3.33%

With respect to the salary, it can be noticed that 40% of the respondents have salary ranging from KUD200 to KUD800, 36.67% of the respondents have salaries ranging from KUD1000 to KUD1900, 20% of the respondents have salaries from KUD2000 to KUD2700, and 3.33% of the respondents have salaries of KUD3000 and above

Will you market your services throughout social media platform  

Yes 90.00%

No 10.00%

With respect to the question that stated “Will you market your services throughout social media platform”, it can be noticed that 90% of the respondents are willing to market their services through social media platforms whereas 10% of the respondents are not willing to market their services through social media platforms

Your business is within  

Camps 50.00%

Farms 13.33%

Trucks 36.67%

By referring to the above table, it can be noticed that 50% of the respondents have their business within the campus, and 13.33% have their business within the farm, whereas 46.67% of the respondents have their business within trucks.

Insurance Fee  

KUD20-KUD40 43.33%

KUD50-KUD100 36.67%

More than KUD100 20.00%

With respect to the insurance fees, it can be noticed that 43.33% of the respondents pay insurance fees ranging from KUD20 to KUD40, 36.67% of the respondents pay insurance fees ranging from 450 to KUD100, whereas 20% of the respondents pay insurance fees above than KUD100.

Do you have customer support  

Yes 23.33%

No 76.67%

It can be noticed by referring to the above table that 23.33% of the respondents do have customer support, whereas 76.67% of the respondents do not have.

Do you have website for reservations  

Yes 56.67%

No 43.33%

By referring to the above table, it can be noticed that 56.67% of the respondents have websites for reservations whereas 43.33% of the respondents do not have websites for reservations.

Have you faced difficulties while using the application  

Yes 26.67%

No 73.33%

Referring to the above table, it can be noticed that 26.67% of the respondents face difficulties while using the application whereas the majority of the respondents representing73.33% do not face difficulties while using the application.

What are your payment methods  

Cash 10%

Debit Card 30%

Credit Card 13.33%

All of the above 56.67%

With respect to the payment methods, it can be noticed that 10% of the respondents pay using cash, 30% of the respondents pay using debit cards, 13.33% of the respondents pay using credit cards, and 56.67% of the respondents pay using mix of all payment methods including cash, debit cards, and credit cards.

Survey TwoMale 65.57%

Female 34.43%

By referring to the above table, it can be noticed that 65.57% of the respondents are Males whereas 34.43% of the respondents are Females.

18-25 32.79%

26-35 9.84%

35 and above 57.38%

By referring to the above table, it can be noticed that 32.79% of the respondents aged between 18 and 25 years old, and 9.84% aged between 26 and 35 years old, whereas 57.38% of the respondents aged 35 years and above.

Single 45.90%

Married with Kids 50.82%

Married without kids 3.28%

It can be noticed by referring to the above table that 45.9% of the respondents are single, 50.82% of the respondents are married and have kids, whereas 3.28% of the respondents are married but don’t have kids.

Governerate Kuwait 65.57%

Hawli 24.59%

Alferwaniya 4.92%

Aljahraa 1.64%

Big Mubarak 3.28%

It can be noticed that 65.57% of the respondents are in Kuwait, 24.59% of the respondents are in Hawli, 4.92% of the respondents are in Alferwaniya, 1.64% of the respondents are in Aljahraa, and 3.28% of the respondents are in Big Mubarak.

What are the requirements that you use to choose the camp  

Location 14.75%

Services 4.92%

Price 0.00%

All of the above 80.33%

With respect to the requirements on which they choose the camp, it can be noticed that 14.75% of the respondents choose based on the location, 4.92% of the respondents choose the camp based on the services provided, and 80.33% of the respondents choose the camp based on location, service, and price.

Do you face a problem when you use the app for reservation  

Yes 26.23%

No 73.77%

By referring to the above table, it can be noticed that 26.23% of the respondents face problems when choosing the app for reservation while 73.77% of the respondents do not face problems when using the app for reservation.

Do you face a problem when you want to organize outside activities  

Yes 54.10%

No 45.90%

It can be noticed by referring to the above table that 54.10% of the respondents face problems while organizing outside activities whereas 45.9% do not face problems while organizing outside activities.

Are you willing to pay extra fees for outside campuses  

Food and beverage 18.03%

Service 6.56%

All of the above 55.74%

None 19.67%

Regarding paying extra fees, it can be noticed that 18.03% of the respondents are willing to pay extra fees on food and beverages outside campuses, 6.56% of the respondents are willing to pay extra fees on services outside the campus, 55.74% of the respondents are willing to pay extra fees on both food and services outside the campus, whereas 19.67% of the respondents are not willing to pay any extra fees.

What time you prefer to spend your vacation  

weekend 83.61%

Midweek 16.39%

The majority of the respondents representing 83.61% prefer to spend their vacation on weekends whereas 16.39% of the respondents prefer to spend their vacation during midweek.

You prefer to use the application to book your outdoor activities like farms and camps  

Yes 80.33%

No 19.67%

By referring to the above table, it can be noticed that the majority of respondents with 80.33% prefer using the application to book their outside activities like farms and camps whereas 19.67% do not prefer using the application for booking outside activities.

Are you willing to pay extra fees for the app  

Yes 52.46%

No 47.54%

It can be noticed based on the above table that 52.46% of the respondents are willing to pay extra fees for the application whereas 47.54% are not willing to pay any extra fees for the application.

Do you face a problem when searching for camps and farms for rent  

Yes 62.30%

No 37.70%

Based on the above table, it can be noticed that 62.3% of the respondents do face problems while searching for camps and farms for rent whereas 37.7% of the respondents do not face problems while doing research for renting camps or farms.

How much time it takes to search for a camp  

Less than 2 hours 21.31%

Two hours and above 32.79%

Days 34.43%

Weeks 8.20%

Month 3.28%

Based on the table presented above, it can be noticed that 21.31% of the respondents take them less than 2 hours to search for a camp, 32.79% of the respondents take them 2 hours and more to search for the camp, 34.43% of the respondents take them days to search for a camp, 8.2% of the respondents take them weeks to search for a camp, and 3.28% of the respondents take them a month to search for a camp.

You think that renting a camp is expensive  

Yes 95.08%

No 4.92%

By referring to the above table provided, it can be noticed that the majority representing 95.08% think that renting a camp is expensive whereas 4.92% of the respondents do not think that renting a camp is expensive.

Did you try renting a camp or a farm before using an app  

Yes 29.51%

No 70.49%

It can be noticed that 29.51% of the respondents tried renting a camp or a farm before using the application whereas 70.49% of the respondents did not try renting a camp or a farm using the application.

Are you willing to pay extra for the delivery service to the app instead of using your car  

Yes 42.50%

No 57.41%

It can be noticed that 42.5% of the respondents are willing to pay extra fees for delivery services for the app instead of using their own cars, whereas 57.41% of the respondents are not willing to pay extra fees to app for delivery services and prefer using their own car instead.

Your willing to pay trial fees ranging between  

KUD50-KUD70 77.78%

KUD70-KUD100 14.81%

KUD101-KUD200 7.41%

Based on the table provided above, it can be noticed that 77.78% of the respondents are willing to pay trial fees ranging from %50 to KUD70, 14.81% of the respondents are willing to pay trial fees ranging from KUD70 to KUD100, and 7.41% of the respondents are willing to pay trial fees ranging between KUD101 and KUD200.

Where you prefer to spend your time  

Wild 55.56%

On the beach 44.44%

It can be noticed that 55.56% of the respondents prefer spending their time in wild places, whereas 44.44% prefer spending their time on the beach.

You prefer people that like to make regular vacations  

Yes 79.63%

No 20.37%

The majority of the respondents representing 79.63% prefer people who like making regular vacations whereas 20.37% of the respondents do not like people who make regular vacations.

Your family members and friends range between  

Between 5 and 10 66.67%

Between 11 and 20 25.93%

More than 20 7.41%

By referring to the above table, it can be noticed that 66.67% of the respondents have family and friends between 5 and 10 members, 25.93% of the respondents have family members and friends ranging from 11 and 20 members, and 7.41% have family members and friends more than 20 members.

You prefer to be treated in a special way  

Yes 55.56%

No 44.44%

It can be noticed that 55.56% of the respondents prefer to be treated in a special way whereas 44.44% of the respondents do not prefer to be treated in a special way.

What is the best way for communication  

Live chat 62.96%

Phone call 35.19%

Emails 1.85%

Based on the information provided in the table presented above, it can be noticed that 62.96% of the respondents consider live chat as the best way for communication, 35.19% of the respondents consider phone calls as the best way for communication, whereas 1.85% of the respondents consider emails as the best way for communication.

You prefer direct contact when cancelling a reservation  

Yes 88.89%

No 11.11%

It can be noticed that the majority of the respondents representing 88.89% prefer direct contact when cancelling a reservation whereas 11.11% of the respondents do not prefer direct contact when cancelling a reservation.

You prefer waiting list  

Yes 57.41%

No 42.59%

It can be noticed that 57.41% of the respondents prefer waiting list whereas 42.59% of the respondents do not prefer waiting list.

What is the problem you face when your booking a farm  

Price 85.19%

Location 38.89%

Others 5.56%

It can be noticed that the majority of the respondents representing 85.19% face price problems when booking a farm, 38.89% of the respondents face location problems while booking a farm, and 5.56% of the respondents face other problems when booking for a farm.


Cash Inflows

Capital KUD6,000 Loan KUD15,000 0 0

Sales KUD7,600 KUD38,800 KUD49,200

Subtotal KUD28,600 KUD38,800 KUD49,200

Cash Outflows

Equipment KUD7,000 KUD3,000 KUD20,000

Salaries KUD4,800 KUD4,400 KUD4,400

Advertising KUD5,000 KUD7,000 KUD10,000

Legal and Accounting Fees KUD1,640 KUD1,640 KUD1,640

Interest on Loan KUD600 KUD600 KUD600

Subtotal KUD19,040 KUD16,100 KUD36,240

Net Cash Flow KUD9,560 KUD22,700 KUD12,960

Referring to the above financial analysis, it can be noted that in year 1, the company is expected to get a cash inflow of KUD28,600 and cash outflow of KUD19,040 which means maintaining net profit of KUD9,560, as for year 2 the cash inflow is expected to be KUD38,800 and cash outflow KUD16,100 maintaining a net cash flow of KUD22,700 as for the last year, the cash inflow is expected to be KUD49,200 and the cash outflow KUD36,240 maintaining a net cash flow of KUD12,960.

V. THE MARKETING PLANChill Out’s marketing strategy is to reach as many potential customers as possible. To reach a larger audience, Chill Out may employ Search Engine Optimization, reciprocal links to other sites, and distribution arrangements with middlemen.

Maintaining Effective CRM: Chill Out relies on Customer Relationship Management (CRM) to better understand and address the demands of its target markets and to keep clients engaged throughout the first stages of planning (Dreaming) to the last stages of booking. Encouragement of other CHILL OUT clients to submit testimonials on the company’s website is another objective.

Utilize Social Media Marketing tools:

It’s no secret that Chill Out has lofty goals when it comes to the most widely used social media networks, including Instagram and LinkedIn. Using Instagram advertising, Chill Out may reach a targeted audience of more than 3.5 million Instagram users at a very low cost. Chill Out is looking for countries with a large population among the 3.5 million people to target. Chill Out may use Instagram in the early stages of the vacation cycle to give unique content in the form of images and videos. Tour companies may publish their tours on Instagram, take bookings, and keep track of the reservations they’ve received using Instagram’s link. It is possible for people to interact with one another on Instagram because of the channel’s openness. The channel will rely on emails and live chat support to better serve customers.

VI. MANAGEMENT TEAMThe initial management team will be made up of three people. One of the managers will be responsible for the day-to-day operations, while the other will be responsible for the financial aspects of the company. This corporate plan does not contain the entire resumes of all of the firm’s management.

The third person will be responsible for following up with customers to provide loyalty cards to try every service we provide to increase awareness.

Experienced tour guides will be hired so that we can improve our teamwork. As part of the planning process, tour guides’ feedback will be solicited. When it comes to the everyday operations of the company, every employee will have a say. Maintaining an atmosphere that fosters everyone’s unique abilities, hobbies, and personality is our top priority at our company. We believe that a culture of open involvement encourages the generation of new, innovative ideas that will assist us to differentiate ourselves from our competitors.

VII ConclusionThis business plan was prepared to gather the necessary knowledge and understanding to construct an application and write the real business plan for future use in the establishment of the eco-adventure firm. Research shows there is a growing demand for adventure travel and an abundance of opportunities to meet this want.

If a corporation can locate the correct market niche, it has a good chance of making money. The travel business and all of its subsectors are highly competitive. The proprietors’ background in both business and outdoor activities, as well as their commitment to entertainment preservation and sustainability, will be invaluable for establishing an eco-adventure tourism firm.

There is high demand for such service in Kuwait since Kuwaiti people like to chill out and are engaged in outdoor activities, in addition to that we aim to link small businesses with customers throughout the Chill Out App.