City University of New York

City University of New York

Borough of Manhattan Community College

Department of English

English 101-5006 Hybrid Online: Composition I Online

Fall 2022; 3 Credits

Prerequisites and Co-requisites

Pass CUNY Reading and Writing test (CATW).

Required Texts and Materials

All readings posted on Blackboard.

Welcome to English Composition 101

Welcome to English Composition 101, hybrid online (asynchronous and five scheduled meetings: This course will only meet in-person in Fiterman 411 on the following Thursdays: September 1, September 22, November 3, November 17, and December 8 from 6-7:40 pm; The remainder of the course will be online in the asynchronous format.)

Course Description

English Composition is the standard 3-credit freshman writing course introducing students to academic writing. By its conclusion, students will be ready for English 201 and the writing they will be asked to do in advanced courses across the curriculum. Students completing English 101 will have been taught the fundamentals of college-level reading and writing, including developing a thesis-driven response to the writing of others and following the basic conventions of MLA citation and documentation. They will have practiced the skills necessary for success in college and in the larger world: summarizing, classifying, comparing, contrasting, and analyzing. Students take a departmental final exam that requires the composition of a 500 words thesis-driven essay analyzing two essays.

This is a Hybrid and asynchronous online course; all graded coursework is solely online; the five meetings will involve strategic review and guidance but are not included in part of your grade.

The course will involve one to two primary-text weekly readings (and possible supplementary readings, where noted). You are responsible for responding to each reading in the form of a 250-word Discussion Board response and to respond to three other students posted on the discussion board before the week ends. You will not be able to read or respond to other students until you first post your own 250-word response. I will respond weekly to the entire class discussion board’s posts. (I will not always respond individually to discussion board posts but I will if there is a problem; I will respond individually to student writing on the five formal writing assignments as noted on the syllabus). 

Questions can be addressed to me personally through my email. I will respond within 48 hours. 

General education learning outcomes:

Communication Skills. Students will be able to write, read, listen and speak critically and effectively. (Measured in papers 1-5)

Arts and Humanities. Students will be able to develop knowledge and understanding of the arts and literature through critiques of works of art, music, theatre, or literature. (Measured in papers 1-5)

Values. Students will be able to make informed choices based on understanding of personal values, human diversity, multicultural awareness and social responsibility. (Measured in papers 1-5)

Information and Technology Literacy. Students will be able to collect, evaluate, and interpret information and effectively evaluate information technologies. (Measured in papers 1-5)

101 Learning Outcomes: Students completing 101 will

Organize, develop, and revise at least four thesis driven essays that include substantial support and use a variety of rhetorical strategies. (Measured in papers 1-5)

Summarize, paraphrase, and quote from readings (Measured in papers 1-5)

Critically analyse numerous readings (Measured in papers 1-5)

Demonstrate a command of edited American English, using vocabulary and syntax appropriate to college level work (Measured in papers 1-5)

Demonstrate a command of the MLA conventions of citation and documentation (Measured in papers 1-5).

Pathways Learning Outcomes for Composition. A course in this area must meet all of the following learning outcomes. A student will:

Read and listen critically and analytically, including identifying an argument’s major assumptions and assertions and evaluating its supporting evidence. (Students will read essays and identify the major assumptions and assertions and evaluate the supporting evidence before quoting that essay in their work).

Write clearly and coherently in varied, academic formats (such as formal essays, research papers, and reports) using standard English and appropriate technology to critique and improve one’s own and others’ texts. (Students will write thesis-driven essays, including research, and will read each other’s essays and provide advice)

Demonstrate research skills using appropriate technology, including gathering, evaluating, and synthesizing primary and secondary sources. (Students will write thesis-driven essays using scholarly websites and will gather evaluate and synthesize primary and secondary sources).

Support a thesis with well-reasoned arguments, and communicate persuasively across a variety of contexts, purposes, audiences, and media. (Students will write thesis driven well supported essays across a variety of contexts).

Grade Breakdown (How to pass this class)

Discussion Board class participation: 20% (Missing more than two weeks of class participation on Discussion Board (DB) will result in automatically failing the course—no exceptions.)

Paper 1: 10%*

Paper 2: 10%*

Paper 3: 15%*

Paper 4: 15%*

Final department exam essay: 30%

Class Discussion Board

For each reading assignment, you are required to write a Discussion Board entry, where you will write a critical response of no less than 250 words (detailed and concrete). (See Discussion Board guidance handout for help with writing your post.)

The readings are usually assigned on Monday (the exception is college holidays; see course schedule/map for holiday details). You typically have a week window to post your Discussion Board comments (again, the exception is college holidays, when you may have a slightly shorter or longer deadline; consult course guide/map where all deadlines are clearly noted).

However, you must also respond in 100 words to three classmates’ Discussion Board comments. Failure to respond to the required number of students will result in losing points. See Discussion Board grading guidelines to see how Discussion Board is graded.

You are strongly encouraged to read ALL the students Discussion Board comments. Discussion Board is your key to understanding the readings and see what other students are thinking. Communicating with and helping fellow students is the key to doing well in an online class. You are part of a learning community and Discussion Board is where you engage with your fellow students to develop that learning community.

As noted, you have about a week window to post and read comments. I strongly suggest that you post your comments before the deadline so others can read your comments and you have enough time to read other classmates’ posted comments. As noted elsewhere, online learning allows you more freedom to set your schedule but it also demands more discipline and planning. You ALONE are responsible for your schedule and doing the work. If you cannot work within your own schedule, then you will not pass this course. The deadlines and missed deadline penalties are fair enough that it allows for some personal wiggle room and still pass the class, although any missed deadlines will still affect your final grade. It’s only fair to everyone.

Each week, you must attempt to respond to different students. You are free to respond to more than the required number of students. That can favorably affect your grade but it will also add to success of the online community. However, please note that you CANNOT respond to more than three students during one week to make up for missed participation during any other week. The penalties for missing deadlines are final and nonnegotiable.

Finally, I will respond to the entire classes Discussion Board posts through an announcement and email as well as on select student’s posts.

** You cannot miss more than two weeks, not necessarily consecutive, of Discussion Board posts or you will FAIL the class. The links close each Sunday (except on holidays as noted on schedule) by midnight and posts cannot be made up. You will be unable to read other students’ posts until you first write your own 250-word post. NO Exceptions. **

* Assignments due dates: No late or emailed papers accepted.

Academic Adjustments for Students with Disabilities: Students with disabilities who require reasonable accommodations or academic adjustments for this course must contact the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities. BMCC is committed to providing equal access to all programs and curricula to all students.

BMCC Policy on Plagiarism and Academic Integrity: Plagiarism is the presentation of someone else’s ideas, words or artistic, scientific; or technical work as one’s own creation.  Using the idea or work of anther is permissible only when the original author is identified.  Paraphrasing and summarizing, as well as direct quotations, require citations to the original source.  Plagiarism may be intentional or unintentional.  Lack of dishonest intent does not necessarily absolve a student of responsibility for plagiarism. 

Students who are unsure of how and when to provide documentation are advised to consult with their instructors.  The library has guides designed to help students to appropriately identify a cited work.  The full policy can be found on BMCC’s website, For further information, please consult the college bulletin (also available online).


(In some cases, readings may be added or subtracted during semester.)

Week 1: August 25-28

On Blackboard:

Blackboard Orientation completed.

Syllabus and course schedule guide survey completed.

Introductions posted on Discussion Board.

Week 2: August 29-September 1

Theme of Location.

“W 103rd St.,” Burroughs.

“Hudson St.,” Jacobs.

Week 3: September 6-11

“Take The F,” Frazier.

“Fifth Avenue, Uptown,” Baldwin.

Assignment Essay 1 Handout: Location.

Week 4: September 12-18

“Marrying Absurd,” Didion.

**Assignment 1 due Sunday, September 18, by Midnight: submitted on blackboard.**

Week 5: September 19-25

“Self-Respect,” Didion.

Film: Shampoo, Hal Ashby, director.

“Shampoo” film review, Kael.

Week 6: September 28-October 2

Assignment 2 handout: Self-Respect and Shampoo; locating a theme, defining your terms within a

genre comparison.

**Assignment 2 due Sunday, October 2, by Midnight: submitted on blackboard.**

Week 7: October 3-9

Wright, “My First Lesson in How to Live Like a Negro.”

Essay 3 assignment handout: Wright, “My First Lesson in How to Live Like a Negro”: critical analysis and

point of view. Due next Sunday, October 16 by Midnight: submitted on blackboard.**

Week 8: October 10-16

“American Childhood,” Dillard.

**Assignment 3 due Sunday, October 16 by Midnight: submitted on blackboard.**

Week 9: October 17-23

“Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work,” Anyon

Week 10: October 24-30

“Drown,” Diaz.

“Complexion,” Rodriguez.

Week 11: October 31-November 6

Assignment 4 handout: Research Paper assignment.

Will begin reviewing research article for final paper.

**DUE DATE: Monday, November 28th, by midnight (or before!)**

Week 12: November 7-13

Final Exam Reading One:

“We’re All Socially Awkward Now,” Murphy

Week 13: November 14-20

Final Exam Reading Two: “How Camera Phones Stunt Bravery and Short-Circuit Human Decency,” Thorkelson***Thanksgiving Break November 24-27***

Week 14: November 21-November 27 No Work Assigned

Week 15: November 28-December 4

Final exam review.

**Final paper DUE DATE: Monday, November 28th, by midnight**

Week 16: December 5-December 13 (Last class) .

Final exam week December 10-13. Exact date to be announced.