Clothes as part of global commodity chain
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Clothes as part of global commodity chain.
Different clothes are made from different countries. China is the leading producer in that it supplies about 16% of most items which were under research. Mexico is the second country which provides about 8% of the things which were under study. Other countries which produce the things are Honduras which contributed about 5%, Vietnam which adds about 5% as well as Indonesia which provides approximately 4.5% of the items. Also, only about 7% of the commodities under research were made in America.
The following is a list of items under research and countries where they are made.
1. Flannel shirt- India.
2. Orange tank- Vietnam.
3. VCU sweatshirt- China.
4. Sweater from target- China.
5. Black dress from target- Cambodia.
6. Vneck shirt from target- Guatemala.
7. Formal attire- the Philippines.
8. Leather boots- Brazil.
9. Dressy top- Turkey.
10. Camisole from express- Indonesia.
According to the research, most of the clothes which were under study were from China as well as Vietnam. The inquiry held showed that the clothes had no detailed on where the gears were assembled or made. Many countries appeared more on the clothes originality while others had no representation. Many of the costumes worn have the same nationality of origin as well as corresponding factories. One of the plants which made Targets, as well as Old Navy’s merchandise, had the reports that there was overwhelming noncompliance by Haitian export garment factory with the legal laws minimum wage in the country. There were articles which were written concerning the theft of the salary in the Haitian apparel industry.
One of the brands of the cloth, Danskin, as per the research had some concern on labour rights violations more so the areas of the freedom of association of the rights of women, benefits, wages, occupational health as well as safety. However, the problems were resolved later which included pregnancy discrimination about unfair termination as well as not allowed to access to adequate restrooms as well as health clinics. However, even when the problems were resolved, there are other problems which remain intact and involves short-term contracts for employees who risked termination before. (Hassler, 2003).
A company by the name LL Bean which is located in Thailand was reported to have an unsafe as well as an unhealthy working environment for its workers. The company didn’t warn its workers to wear protective clothing while working concerning the work areas which had higher noise levels. Also, the restrooms which were designed for the workers were not maintained in clean conditions which are required. As per the reported taken after the research revealed that LL Bean company failed to meet the minimum requirements of good practice more so in chemical labelling as well as the provision of material safety data sheets. (Bair, 2005)The company was found that it didn’t put labels on the chemicals in the screen printing area on how they should be handled, store, or treat safely when exposure occurs. The company was considered as to have been violated the Thailand law speculations.
In the November 2001, workers who worked in six countries basted and boycotted from working. The research showed that those workers sewed their work as the company owed the workers hundreds of thousands of dollars as their minimum wage as well as the overtime payments. They also sawed the company due to poor working conditions which were unsafe for their health as well as long working hours. Some workers who aired out the matter were fired immediately by the company making the case to be worse. The research revealed that there were efforts which were put forward to fix the problem as well as reinstate the positions those of those who were unjustly fired. However, the problem was familiar to many factories which need an uprising.
According to the research, most of the brands which were the favourites by many people such as Target, Old Navy, Danskin, LL Bean as well as Forever 21; none of the clothes were sweatshop free. Many people cannot avoid buying the clothes as there are limited options of wearing clothes which were affordable to oneself with the lack of sweat labour.
The research which was held enables the students to learn mapping lessons after the mapping exercise. The students can realize that they are connected in rather intimate ways with other people all over the world. Furthermore, the research enabled the students to learn that the connection which they had with people; who earned little even after working for about 12 hours a day in the factory. In that, they wore clothes which were made by the same plant as well as a similar country although of different designs and time. The research which involved mapping to arrive at the writing of the conclusion revealed the global commodity links. The links give the form as well as the meaning of the abstract concept of economic globalisation. Moreover, the exercise gave the students a better view concerning the global perspective of where the clothes they wear come from as well as how they are made.
Hassler, M. (2003). The global clothing production system: commodity chains and business networks. Global Networks, 3(4), 513-531.
Gereffi, G. (1994). The Organization of Buyer-Driven Global Commodity Chains: How US Retailers Shape Overseas Production Networks. Commodity chains and global capitalism.
Bair, J. (2005). Global capitalism and commodity chains: looking back, going forward. Competition & Change, 9(2), 153-180.
Gereffi, G. (1999). A commodity chains framework for analyzing global industries. Institute of Development Studies, 8(12), 1-9.