Co-Culture Group

Co-Culture Group Report AssignmentEnsure your group report:

Uses language that skillfully communicates meaning to readers with clarity and fluency. Virtually error-free.

Uses college-level word usage, spelling, grammar, punctuation

MLA source citation, in-text and works cited

Has common format for your individual sections!!! Headings/responses/font, etc —

while different people write each section, the look should be consistent across the entire document

Format of report:

Title/cover page with names of group members (1 page)

A summary (2-3 pages) where you address the communication “problem”. Provide a clear “opening” to your report and ensure you state a thesis!!

Answer the following:

Why is it important to study about co-cultures?

What potential communication problems/barriers exists between a co-culture and the dominate culture?

What co-culture did your group select? HOMELESS

Refer back to the “Setting the stage” Assignment, what was your group’s hypothesis concerning interviewees personal experience communicating with the larger culture around themes/aspects of his/her co-culture? Group hypothesis: What do your group member think the interviewees will report per communicating with the larger culture? Do you think they have had to hide their connection to the co-culture? Have they felt uncomfortable? Do you think they have assimilated or accommodated? What do you expect to uncover? They might’ve had to hide their co-culture because they’re afraid to reach out and ask for help because they want to save themselves from being embarrassed. They may have felt uncomfortable, even there are many people like them, there are people all around judging them. We believe they have gotten used to the way they live and have learned how to get through the day. We expect to uncover that each individual has their reasons and their own why’s as to the reason they are in the streets and are homeless. There are many adults on the streets for reasons we wouldn’t or couldn’t imagine.

Present RESEARCH on your co-culture – what did your group learn (prior to the interviews) about the co-culture. It’s up to your group to determine what important information to provide here. Use phrases like “According to such and such source” — ensure you provide quotations for direct quotes, and use in-text citations as well. This should NOT be opinion based – use RESEARCH

Give an overview of how you found people to interview

Interview section: First provide the questions your group prepared to ask individuals (1 page).

Individual group member sections:

Name of group member

Name and demographics about person you interviewed

Interview questions and answers from individual

Summary of your individual “take-aways” from your interview – what did you learn about the co-culture? Did the person report that they had to assimilate, accommodate, etc.

Conclusion (1-2 pages)

NOTE: This section should NOT be written just by one person— this section should be based on a GROUP discussion of your findings!

Provide a summary:

Was your group hypothesis correct? Did the individuals within your co-culture have communication challenges with the larger culture as your group expected? Why or why not?

What did you learn as a group about communicating with this co-culture?

What could society as a whole do to improve communication with this co-culture?

The “body” of the report should include college-level research, grammar, vocabulary with MLA in-text citation AND a MLA works cited sheet. REMEMBER, if you pull information directly from a source, you MUST put it in quotation marks.

Please see for reminders. If you are new to MLA format/citation, PLEASE take advantage of the writing lab at PAC: