Combating the Negative Impacts of Covid-19

Combating the Negative Impacts of Covid-19





The onset of the Covid-19 pandemic shook all aspects of life. Most countries were forced to adopt strict and harsh policies to control the spread of the virus and protect people’s health. Local and international movements were restricted altogether as part of the initiative. For this reason, many people lost their jobs and source of income. Approximately 3.3 billion workforce globally lost their livelihoods due to the pandemic (Stoecklin et al., 2020). The state issued a directive requiring the public to stay home to minimize physical contact among individuals. It was a tough time for most individuals because besides losing jobs, they lived in uncertainty and the death tolls linked to the virus kept increasing by the day. Most people who succumbed to Covid-19 were the senior members of society and individuals with chronic underlying diseases like heart problems, high blood pressure, kidneys problems, and diabetes. Various agencies were established and invested in the research and development of a vaccine to save people’s lives now that the deaths increased dramatically. This paper will discuss the role of agencies in facilitating vaccinations of the virus and in combating the adverse effects of the Covid-19 pandemic

The economic and social disruptions caused by the pandemic threatened to put a large section of the population below the poverty line worldwide. It was undeniable that the pandemic was beyond a health crisis since it caused an imbalance in all country sectors. The financial crisis dues to the drastic decrease in the labor force have made it challenging for both the government and the public to meet financial requirements (Ma & Miller, 2021). The government was forced to channel more of its resources and funds towards mitigating the effects of the pandemic, minimizing the spread, and eventually developing a long-term solution that would see people lead everyday lives. This aspect strained the country’s financial position and made it challenging to balance combating the effects of covid-19 and other social amenities necessary for the public. As different brands of the covid-19 vaccine are mandated, controversies tension grew among populations worldwide. Individuals against the covid-19 jab term it as a violation of human rights. Countries like Canada have protested against the vaccine meant to keep people safe and restore normalcy. Large and stable companies in the market authorized their employees to get vaccinated before reporting to work. Consequently, workers in different occupational fields took to the streets to protest against the private-sector mandates

Covid-19 has become the most prominent global crisis for a long time for the government and corporations. The agency has prioritized the economic and health emergencies resulting from covid-19. Programs and projects have been rearranged in the agency’s portfolio such that the pandemic receives adequate attention and funding. The main concerns addressed by the agency during the pandemic are food security, public health, the labor force, and the safety of employees in their respective places of work (Rume & Islam, 2020). More resources and funds have been channeled into the healthcare system to combat the effects of the pandemic. Coronavirus spreads very fast because it is transmitted through physical contact. The increased cases require health facilities to be fully equipped with items like oxygen tanks and beds and be ready for patients. The high rate of Coronavirus infection is overwhelming to medical practitioners since the ratio of doctors to patients is disproportionate (García-Sánchez et al., 2020). There is a need to absorb more medical practitioners into the labor force to reduce the workload. Additionally, the funds channeled to the healthcare systems are used to buy personal protective gear for medical practitioners because they are exposed to people with the virus all the time.

Furthermore, the offset of the pandemic threatened food security in most countries because limited movement affects productivity. The agency allocated funds to provide food for various families in the country. Most people lost their jobs which is their source of income. As a result, most families experienced financial strain due to limited resources. This initiative helped public members to sustain themselves until the government responded or issued a directive of the next move.

The agency’s CEO plays a vital role because they foresee projects and ensure that they are implemented accordingly to keep the people safe and control the spread of the pandemic (Stoecklin et al., 2020). As the CEO, one should be at the frontline in fighting against the virus by creating awareness of covid-19, transmission channels, and the measures to take at an individual and community level. Additionally, the CEO needs to follow up on funds allocation to different departments to ensure that the funds are distributed evenly and appropriately to maximize a positive outcome.


It is undeniable that Covid-19 disrupted operations and normal daily activities for the population across the world. The pandemic was also an eye-opener to the loopholes in the healthcare sector and other sectors in the country. The vulnerable groups in society were adversely affected by the pandemic. Their vulnerability made them an easy target for the virus hence recording the most cases and death tolls. It is imperative that they receive special treatment and care during the pandemic to restore their health and keep them safe. Therefore, society needs to portray global solidarity and support vulnerable groups.


García-Sánchez, I. M., & García-Sánchez, A. (2020). Corporate social responsibility during COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 6(4), 126.

Ma, H., & Miller, C. H. (2021). The effects of agency assignment and reference point on responses to COVID-19 messages. Health Communication, 36(1), 59-73.

Rume, T., & Islam, S. D. U. (2020). Environmental effects of COVID-19 pandemic and potential strategies of sustainability. Heliyon, 6(9), e04965.

Stoecklin, S. B., Rolland, P., Silue, Y., Mailles, A., Campese, C., Simondon, A., … & Levy-Bruhl, D. (2020). First cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in France: surveillance, investigations and control measures, January 2020. Eurosurveillance, 25(6), 2000094.